Monday, July 19, 2021

Vaccine Effectiveness on Wayward TX Legislators

So "5 out of 60" fully vaccinated AWOL TX legislators tested positive for Covid. The link gives the complete list of what this might mean. My guess is: 

  1. Like pretty much any flu vaccine, roughly 50% effectiveness is pretty good. I totally agree with pumping up the effectiveness numbers. ANYTHING to get us out of this crazy round of massive government overreach. Hey! Biden saved us all! Great. Whatever. My level of faith in anything from the government or media (but I repeat myself) is zero.  

  2. The tests are roughly 50% effective either way.  So like everything in this Covid scare, we don't really "know" much of anything beyond a coin flip. As Fauxi as told us ... either masks are not effective, or they are. Flip a coin. 

Masks are not effective. Don't wear them. 

We all know that position changed to MANDATORY masks, although real world experience showed the mandates did nothing

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