Tuesday, May 5, 2020

What It Means To Be A Libertarian

I defer to this excellent review of this fine book. Historically, my concern with the standard view of libertarianism -- "LEGALIZE ALL DRUGS!". "MAKE ALL THE ROADS TOLL ROADS"!  ... has been challenged by Corona (outside of Christ, what hasn't?)

I've often described myself as a "Christian Burkean Conservative", however since only I have read and to a large degree written in blogs on what that actually means, it is a bit of a dodge. I often find "Libertarians" as really pretty much being "anti", with their main "anti" being "I'm totally opposed to the two party system!". Unfortunately, when pressed on what they are FOR, they tend to be extremely vague at best. 

Since "liberty" is a very general term, that is not surprising. Being "always right" is one of the really appealing virtues of being an "anti" -- you don't stand FOR, you stand AGAINST! 

Murray to a large extent breaks that mold and has given me a new appreciation of thoughtful libertarianism. The following from the linked ... 

... one finds in this book a surprising degree of sympathy for a thinker like Edmund Burke, usually considered a founding father of traditionalist conservatism; for the wisdom and efficacy of the common law; and for the idea that freedom is to be prized not merely for its own sake but as the necessary precondition of a virtuous life and virtuous society. Like Meyer before him, Murray offers a brand of libertarianism designed to appeal precisely to those traditionalists and moderates who distrust libertarianism, and to convince them that the libertarian emphasis upon “spontaneous order” is an essential complement to their own aspirations.
As I've observed erstwhile supposed libertarians willingly  succumb to the pronouncements of "the experts", declaring that Constitutional rights are all null and void at the point when some someone screams "EMERGENCY"! I've been forced to reconsider, and fortunately, this book was at the top of the reading list. As William F Buckley once declared "I would rather be governed by the first 2,000 people in the Boston telephone book than by the Harvard faculty.", Corona and this book make that statement extremely clear to me, and has increased my agreement. 

Why? Because the Harvard faculty increasingly have a very precise single world view that they KNOW in a metaphysical sense to be true. The first 2K people in the phone book are likely to have MANY different world views, that are conflicting. Getting to agreement in such a group is going to require A LOT of discussion, bargaining, trade-offs, etc . I firmly believe that none of us, and certainly not a very specifically selected group of us, is nearly as intelligent as "all" (or a somewhat randomly selected group) of US! 

A MORE than worthy book for our current time! 

Leadership And Self Deception


I agree with the advice in this book, I question the effectiveness of thinking that one is going to be able to "pull themselves up by their own bootstraps" and apply it to their life. If you or your organization are able to, my hat is off to you! 

My personal belief is that we are all "in the box" of self deception, and it is only the gift of Grace through Faith in Christ alone that begins the process of lifting us from the box of self to at least thinking about others, and praying to actually love them! 

A decent secular approach to getting out of our self -- if you can't stomach God, I recommend DBT.

For seeking the gift of Faith, I recommend "Has American Christianity Failed". 

Monday, May 4, 2020

The Boomer Remover


I've often enjoyed the writing of Andrew Ferguson, and especially PJ O'Rourke, this interview is somewhat disturbing, and that is likely good, because reality often is. These now aged provocateurs are hunkered down in unabashed fear of the virus. They are part of my generation that once proudly proclaimed "Don't trust anyone over 30", and "I want to die young and leave a beautiful corpse" ... following the revered example of Jim Morrison, Marilyn Monroe, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, etc With youthful Godless braggadocio, most of the Boomers were quite assured of themselves and the future. As the linked shows -- no longer. "Stay home, whine, and lamment" seems to be the replacement for the exuberance of youth. 

Today's youngers have progressed from "OK, Boomer" to calling Corona "The Boomer Remover". Hardly surprising when worship of the self, even to admiration of women celebrating the murder of their babies is "woke". Many of their (my) generation recently lamented young folks flocking to the beaches as Corona fears were rising. Welcome to the Boomer "morality" ... "me, me, me" means just that. As the Boomer voting power recedes, expect that any wealth you wasted your youth/middle age acquiring will be taken by your children/grandchildren, most likely followed by your later life as you become dependent on their "generosity". Why not? Certainly we Boomers are the poster children of self indulgence -- demanding more and more government largesse which we apparently expected our children and grandchildren would be happy to pay. What part of "me, me, me" did we think would lead them to accept that burden? The youth will always follow what you actually teach them -- even if it is more by what you do than what you say. 

They close with the somewhat hard to swallow faith, that America will "win out" over China. Again, while I have often enjoyed their wit and sometimes even a rather shallow "wisdom", this is of most interest is that these guys have seemed to transition to more or less standard elderly curmudgeons. One of the things I most admired about Reagan, admire about my 93 year old dad, and to some degree Trump is the unusual exhibition of a sunny optimistic demaanor in the face of advancing age and a world that remains, and will remain until Christ's return, full of trouble! 

In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! For I have overcome the world! (John 16:33) 

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Dr Erickson, Covid, Isolation Risks


It is WELL worth your time to watch at least "15 min" of this excellent video. The summary is easy:

  • We now know that unless you are in a vulnerable group, Covid is mild flu and needs to be treated as such.
  • Your immune system is like your muscles. It must be "exercised" to stay strong. Isolate, wear a mask, it will weaken -- and then you get sick. There are LOTS of germs and viruses can make you very sick and/or kill you. They did not go away just because everyone decided to focus on Covid! We used to keep sick people in bed for a long time, now we get them up ASAP -- we LEARNED! 

Get out, don't wear a mask. BE WELL! If people shame you, remember to love your neighbor! (unless of course you are in a vulnerable group!

The video is well done, lots of solid information with NO NAME CALLING! One of the bigger points is simply that "projections are not reality". They don't fault anyone for making doom and gloom projections, they would have done the same, early on!

What they want to get out now is that as for "some reason", our global health system (especially Europe and US) is failing to adjust for what is being seen in the real world as that information increasingly becomes available. 

WHY the the over reaction was as extreme as it has been, and why there is such reluctance to learn from the GOOD NEWS is still a mystery that needs to be better understood. This can't be "the new normal"!

Vary your news sources, look at sites like Worldometers, and SCALE THE NUMBERS to population. Observe that Sweden with no lockdowns, reasonable social distancing is doing pretty well.

Observe that in the US, the deaths are very localized:

Take a deep unmasked breath and LEARN!

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Face Masks For Viruses?


The evidence that they provide more than virtue signalling is sketchy at best.

Tribal Virtue, Biden "Standard"

As new evidence (largely ignored by MSM) that Biden was sexually harassing Tara Reade in 1993, we see a great example of the "Tribal Virtue Standard". The MSM / Deep State ruling class firmly established that standard with Chappaquiddick, and then doubled down with Bill Clinton.

Then there is the standard that the MSM / Deep State apply to conservatives. We recently saw it clearly with Kavenaugh and Roy Moore ... no matter how old or uncorroborated the allegations, they must be taken as gospel! The higher standard of "political virtue" (destroying conservativism) demands it! You can show your "virtue" by demanding that the "standard" of "all women must be believed" -- when they are attacking conservatives!

I could go into a long boring list of cases (Bob Packwood, Clarence Thomas, ... yes, sometimes the accused does "beat the charges", but not really -- where would they go get their reputation back?

As the above cases show, the "standard" applied to conservatives is "the accused is presumed guilty" -- the standard of tyranny. In California they have made it official.

So we have the current case of Sleepy Joe Biden with a video of the accusers mom calling Larry King back in '93 for corroboration. Naturally, “The Times found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Mr. Biden, beyond the hugs, kisses and touching that women previously said made them uncomfortable.”  Biden complained that the NY Times would report facts damaging to a Democrat, so they modified the story. Why can't we just all see that it is much better to be leftist!

Will Conservatives go all the way down to the Democrat "standard" in seeking to get a "media conviction" on Biden? Certainly Trump might indicate minor direction in that way -- although his failings were prior to his presidency.

OTOH the Roy Moore treatment indicated conservatives have a LONG way to go before they get even close to the "Biden Standard". when the ancient accusation is against one of their own. For conservatives, and especially conservative Christians, it is HARD to accept how corrupt the nation they once loved has become.  At least they showed some sense of "getting it" when it came to Kavenaugh. Sadly, the "Kavenaugh standard" means that SCOTUS appointment that supports the Constitution can only get confirmed when Republicans control the Senate.

What Corona makes abundantly clear in addition is that conservatives must build a much stronger backbone if the civilization is going to remain on life support rather than drop to total brain death! When politics becomes "god", as it has for the vast majority of the left, then "virtue" depends on following that political dogma perfectly,  even if it means giving up your religion, your freedom, and eventually, your life. MUCH better to understand that before the left tears down your church -- rather than just labeling it "nonessential".  If you cower just because the "experts say" that this virus is REALLY dangerous, you will certainly cower even more if the threat is greater than just "stay home and shut up".

The next few months and likely years will give us real insight into the costs of following the MSM / Global/Davos/ Deep State elite on Corona. No matter how bad it is, it is easy to see how it can get REALLY costly from here! Money is just money ... eternity is much more serious.

Freedom never has, and never will be "free" -- it is always costly. Christ gave his life so you could be eternally free from sin and death.  For us, it means taking reasonable risks, because freedom is always going to involve "harsh" things like risk, responsibility, hard work, standing up even when your position is unpopular, protesting loss of freedom, clinging to your guns and religion, and the rest of the Constitution, standing up for life, etc. Being free often means even being wrong -- that is often part of the cost of learning. If you think education by experience is expensive, try stupidity learned from a book!

Freedom means that if all your friends and relatives jump over a cliff, you DON'T FOLLOW!  You pray and follow Christ (even if he and his followers are being crucified)! Back in the bad old days, when I was kid, that was something parents taught -- along with "sticks and stones will break your bones, but words will never hurt you". Freedom absolutely requires that unpopular views MUST be stood up for! Sometimes people will even be hurt -- usually just their virtue and pride, but sometimes even their bodies. Historically freedom  often means standing up in war, as it Revolutionary, Civil, WWI and II, etc, etc

If you believe that freedom is too expensive, read "The Gulag Archipeligo" ... none of us get out of this mortal coil alive.

Once you give up standing up, you are reduced to just hoping that your rulers let you out to celebrate your "freedom" on the 4th of July. As Reagan said, "A liberal will strongly defend your right to agree with them!"

Let Joe and Corona go and you are walking toward tyranny. Walk toward the Cross vs popularity, science, wealth, comfort, likes on FB,  etc ... you will be eternally grateful!

The End Of The Corona Myth


An excellent summary article. Much like the end of the USSR, fracking will never lower gas prices. we are out of oil, cholesterol is bad, Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election, or countless other MSM / Deep State / global Davos elite myths, the "millions will die" Corona myth is fast taking its place in the litany of Mass Effects Mythology.

As it recedes into the past, the "powers that be" -- MSM, Deep State, global Davos elite, etc will move it into being the "fault" of Trump, corporations, big pharma, etc ... the big lie of "we are all in this together" will cover the tracks of reality.

 Was there actual elite panic? Was there massive short selling, or investment in producers of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)"? Did China release this on purpose, possibly in concert with Russia and the Saudi's to tank the energy markets and try to kill the fracking companies? The list is way too long to draw any conclusions, but from the start, the response to Covid 19 was clearly extreme and and highly out of character to the many VERY comparable viruses of the past. "Why" is something very few are asking.

Naturally, it could all be just massive global incompetence. Consider that as of today, the deaths per million in NY are 1,153,  in Japan, 3 (THREE), and in South Dakota, castigated by the MSM last week for being a poorly managed "hot spot", they are 13 per million. Open your mind, escape the MSM matrix! Having an open mind and being able to honestly assess rather than follow the crowd of WHO/CDC etc can make a HUGE difference!

Anyway, we now know that Corona is way more infectious than even the worst case projections, and other than for the elderly and immunocompromised, WAY less serious/deadly than even the best case projections. Yet again, "predictions are hard to make, especially about the future", and "the map is not the territory"

One might think that we know these things, but clearly as a general population. we do not.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Excellent Sheep


This book is old news for my regular readers -- we are in decline, our elite are significantly at fault, the abandonment of "soul" is a major cause. The author is not a believer, so his idol is "Great Books" ... Alan Bloom is often mentioned. The author has seen the problem that meaninglessness is a really bad problem, and credentialism is just making it worse. I agree -- we are meant to have a reason to live, a "what is it all for". Meaning matters.

He may have more credibility in the leftish quarters as he is a non-believer (in religion, he believes in "The Great Books") and a Yalie PHD / professor ... he has seen first hand that the elite pipeline isn't even good for the elite, let alone American culture.

"The system manufactures students who are smart, talented, and driven --yes, but also anxious, timid, and lost with little intellectual curiosity and a stunted sense of purpose: trapped in a bubble of privilege, heading meekly in the same direction, great at what they are doing but with no idea why they are doing it". 
 A quote from a student transferring out of Stanford:"I've seen my peers sacrifice health, relationships, exploration, activities that can't be quantified and are essential for developing souls and hearts, for grades and resume building". From a Yale student:"A friend of mine said it nicely -- I might be miserable, but if I were not miserable, I wouldn't be at Yale".

One of my favorite quotes from the book that reminds me of my IBM career:"It's hard to build your soul when everyone around you is trying to sell theirs". My soul was very screwed up in search of "money, promotion, recognition" while I was at IBM -- with a lot of Grace, I hope some healing is in process ... to the extent it happens, it will be by Grace through the Holy Spirit.

The author likens the assembly line of America's leading sheep to a salmon run. "The key word is "safety". Beneath the other factors - the entitlement, the lack of direction, the desire to not close down options - the force that drives the salmon run is fear."

In this spring of our Corona imprisonment, we see the fruits of the majority sheep flock being "led" by excellent sheep. The sheep-leaders panic and run this way and that as the now apparent puppy of Corona chases them (they were crying WOLF!, a true fear for elderly / infirm). They are driven by FEAR -- "what IF"??? Originally, some fear of over-reacting, followed by a panicked over reaction, now trending toward the cover up for the over reaction and economic damage. Sheep make poor "leaders" ... even "excellent ones".

His hope is "The Great Books", mine is Christ -- and Christ was the hope of the elite up to "God and Man At Yale" -- hope is certainly better than no hope, I prefer hope that has been shown to be valid for over 2K years.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Limiting Free Geach


The linked lets you explore the case of Jonathan Geach, a Tennessee physician M.D. anesthesiologist who appears to be a "practical common sense country doctor" of the type of Lenard McCoy of Star Trek fame. Clearly the type of professional that must be silenced in today's "Yavol, you must follow the diktat of your state masters!" world. I'm beginning to think that Gates and the rest of the Davos elite have decided that things like Brexit and the Trump election are just much too threatening to their power and MUST be stamped out with "extreme prejudice" (no matter how many Deplorables  are collateral damage.

"We live in a world of liberal intolerance, of which I would never before have believed. Deplatforming, as this is called, is really a modern form of book burning. We must burn books that go against the dogma. I have good credentials and am a physician. My co-authors — four other physicians and a nurse practitioner — also had good credentials, and we advocated well-reasoned and duly sourced positions. Unfortunately, we hold the wrong opinion, and a “dangerous” one at that."

Freedom, as life itself, always will, and always has real costs. For those with "power", it means that their "power" is limited. For all who live, it means that life will remain full of uncontrollable risk. Certainly, attempts can be made to mitigate risk, however those will also always come with the very real chance that the mitigation turns out to have costs that turn out to be unacceptable in the longer term -- (and often every attempt is made to hide those costs).

The short version":

  • we know KNOW on the basis of real data that the extreme models are WAY wrong. Deaths per day has peaked  ... and that is with deaths likely being vastly over reported (if you die in the US, you are supposed to be tested, if you show Covid19, that IS the "cause") 
  • "Flatten the curve" turned out to be so "flat" that in all but the real hot spots (NYC, NJ, etc), medical practitioners are furloughed. People are drying from not being able to get treatment for standard medical conditions. 
  • Further testing has shown that the virus was much more widely spread already than was thought, thus bringing the actual death rate down to a bad flu season. 
  • Geach makes a good argument that the dread "2nd wave" is likely a paper tiger ... a bit technical to summarize easily, but worth looking at. 
The whole chain is a good read for those not already convinced that tyranny is acceptable.

Monday, April 20, 2020

The Big Lie


Just a good one to read and keep around. "We are all in this together". 

At the heart of every mass delusion, there’s a “big lie.” The big lie is a falsehood so outrageous and so obviously wrong, in retrospect people can hardly believe that anyone took it seriously.