Monday, May 4, 2020

The Boomer Remover

I've often enjoyed the writing of Andrew Ferguson, and especially PJ O'Rourke, this interview is somewhat disturbing, and that is likely good, because reality often is. These now aged provocateurs are hunkered down in unabashed fear of the virus. They are part of my generation that once proudly proclaimed "Don't trust anyone over 30", and "I want to die young and leave a beautiful corpse" ... following the revered example of Jim Morrison, Marilyn Monroe, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, etc With youthful Godless braggadocio, most of the Boomers were quite assured of themselves and the future. As the linked shows -- no longer. "Stay home, whine, and lamment" seems to be the replacement for the exuberance of youth. 

Today's youngers have progressed from "OK, Boomer" to calling Corona "The Boomer Remover". Hardly surprising when worship of the self, even to admiration of women celebrating the murder of their babies is "woke". Many of their (my) generation recently lamented young folks flocking to the beaches as Corona fears were rising. Welcome to the Boomer "morality" ... "me, me, me" means just that. As the Boomer voting power recedes, expect that any wealth you wasted your youth/middle age acquiring will be taken by your children/grandchildren, most likely followed by your later life as you become dependent on their "generosity". Why not? Certainly we Boomers are the poster children of self indulgence -- demanding more and more government largesse which we apparently expected our children and grandchildren would be happy to pay. What part of "me, me, me" did we think would lead them to accept that burden? The youth will always follow what you actually teach them -- even if it is more by what you do than what you say. 

They close with the somewhat hard to swallow faith, that America will "win out" over China. Again, while I have often enjoyed their wit and sometimes even a rather shallow "wisdom", this is of most interest is that these guys have seemed to transition to more or less standard elderly curmudgeons. One of the things I most admired about Reagan, admire about my 93 year old dad, and to some degree Trump is the unusual exhibition of a sunny optimistic demaanor in the face of advancing age and a world that remains, and will remain until Christ's return, full of trouble! 

In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! For I have overcome the world! (John 16:33) 

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