Showing posts with label media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label media. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

mRNA Details, Who Do You Trust?

The linked rather long article an interview with Dr Robert Malone, one of the original inventors of mRNA technology. 

I like to check my sources (unlike much of the media today). This from Novotech :

Dr Malone brings more than 20 years of management and leadership experience in academia, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology with deep expertise in regulatory and medical strategy for global clinical product development. Dr Malone is an internationally recognised physician and scientist for his work in the areas of clinical trials, vaccines, gene therapy, biodefense, and immunology and specifically as one of the original inventors of DNA vaccination and multiple non-viral gene therapy technologies (RNA and DNA).
That quote is from 2017, so no doubt Dr Malone is labeled an insane crank today. 

Dr Malone is looking at Ivermectin as a lower cost, better tested med for preventing/treating Covid. Naturally, if you google it, the NIH, CDC don't like it ... much like they originally said that Trump was xenophobic for restricting travel from Wuhan, and that masks were not effective against Covid. 

The American Journal for Therapeutics OTH says:  
Moderate-certainty evidence finds that large reductions in COVID-19 deaths are possible using ivermectin. Using ivermectin early in the clinical course may reduce numbers progressing to severe disease. The apparent safety and low cost suggest that ivermectin is likely to have a significant impact on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic globally.

Dr Malone says: 

Obviously, the RNA vaccines have gotten a lot of attention. They’re remarkable. The adenovirus vectored vaccines probably produce more protein over a longer period of time. They came out fairly early and were identified as associated with coagulation problems. Those coagulation problems are now being seen more with the RNA vaccines.

And there’s an odd spectrum of symptoms. The governments across the world have largely denied that there are any safety concerns with the RNA vaccines. Now, that’s not so tenable.

Another Malone quote:

Now I’ve had COVID. I’ve had long COVID, and it’s changed my body. I don’t have the exercise tolerance I used to have. But I didn’t die, and I’m 61. I’m in a moderate risk group, but we fear it almost like the Africans feared Ebola in the West African outbreak. It’s driving us to compromise some of our fundamentals, including this censorship initiative.

I don’t know what that looks like on the other side. Eventually, we’re going to get through this, but it’s impacting on society in profound ways. This censorship of information, those that are experiencing it, including myself, are profoundly disturbed by what we’re seeing, and the long-term meanings of it.

My wife and I had "short Covid" in December. 

My wife came down with fairly long lasting cold in early June, I picked it up after, and still have a nagging, but clearing cough. We have not been vaccinated based on "watchful waiting", the usual medical advice for something with a 99%+ survival rate, especially if you have had it, that rate even being better.  I've had long term sinus drip/nagging coughs nearly every year of my life since adolescence. Could this be a Covid re-infection? Certainly, however it has none of the original symptoms ... lethargy, loss of taste, etc. 

Of course, if you listen to much of the media (which I don't, but I'm not Amish, nor from Havana), one of the reasons for "masks forever" is that even if you have had it and are vaccinated, you can be re-infected, and your symptoms may be reduced/different - so stay fearful! 

Isn't that convenient if one of your major objectives is to maintain fear, allowing for increased power for government, CDC, etc.? And then there is the "delta variant". 

Have you renewed the extended warranty on your vehicle? You COULD have a repair costing $5K or more! Thank God you are getting this important call! 

The overarching message of the (too long) interview is that the Covid overreaction, plus the suppression of information calling that overreaction into question is reducing faith in public health and vaccinations in general. 

Well DUH! 

Perhaps we should "ask Amy"? 


Just finished Thomas Sowell's  "Knowledge and Decisions" (review to come shortly). An important part of a society descending into bureaucratic tyranny is to maintain fear. Crisis followed by crisis - nuclear war, running out of petroleum, climate change, terrorism, etc, etc. "Never let a "crisis" go to waste". 

Is there a basis for some level of concern on any/all of these? Certainly, however we need to all be aware of the global media, corporatist, bureaucratic "Great Reset". 

Trust no one! 

Monday, July 5, 2021

Cosby, Evidence, Burden Of Proof

Hollywood is easy to "stun" under some conditions, impervious under others. Cosby for 30+ years, Billy C forever, Harvey Weinstein for decades, etc, etc 

I covered the Cosby lynching  back in 2014, his actual sin was coming forward for blacks being responsible in their daily lives. What a nasty man!  

Our "legal system" is purely political. If you tow the leftist line, you walk! Increasingly, if you are black, the "justice" will do their best to avoid any enforcement action at all. 

As in the case of Kavanaugh, if you end up as their target and they can paint you as "unwoke" in any way, forget the idea of "innocent till PROVEN guilty". They demand you prove the negative. "Proving" anything decades old is nigh on impossible, even murders that you KNOW happened because they leave physical evidence, are very difficult to prosecute. 

Such evidence is very rare for "harassment",  unless you have a stained blue dress. Naturally, if you are in good standing with the Democrats, even that doesn't matter!

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

The AP, Dead Gorilla In Coal Mine

A common old time expression was "the canary in the coal mine". Allegedly, miners kept a canary with them, and if it dropped dead, they got out. Supposedly canaries were more sensitive to lethal gases than humans, so they were an early warning system. 

The AP has been dead for a long time, but in this age of continuing to kick Trump and his supporters after he is long gone, a little "corpse abuse" is in order.

The latest example of AP’s troubled role involves its offices in the Gaza Strip, a territory controlled by Hamas. For some 15 years, the AP has operated out of an 11-story building in Gaza City, the al-Jalaa Tower, where al Jazeera also has offices. According to Israeli military intelligence, journalists weren’t the only ones in that tower. Hamas terrorists also had offices there and were using them to plan terror attacks on Jewish civilians. So, in the midst of Israel’s wider military campaign against Hamas assets, the Israeli Defense Forces told everyone to evacuate the building, which was then destroyed by aerial bombardment. No one was injured.
Remember how Trump was going to be disaster, especially in foreign policy? Is't it special that we now have the worst Palestinian situation since 2014? Gee, who was president then?

The column is worth a read, as Lipson usually is.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Consumer Confidence "Unexpectedly" Declines 

When a Democrat is in power, negatives that can't be hidden are always "unexpected". 

When a Republican is in power, positives that can't be hidden are always "unexpected". 

Very simple and easy to understand. 

Friday, May 14, 2021

Irony, Patrick Buchanan, Fascism

The fact that the linked was written by Pat Buchanan, often considered a Fascist, authored a column clearly describing modern Fascism, yet fails to recognize it as such, proves that irony is not dead yet.

However they [the billionaires] did it, America’s most successful capitalists have learned the lesson some previous generations of capitalists did not — how to preserve their wealth, privilege and economic power and avoid such derisive terms as ‘capitalist pig’.

Yet, of greater interest, and import, is that the China of the new Great Helmsman, Xi Jinping, a one-party Communist dictatorship, coexists with hundreds of Chinese billionaires.

What would Marx, Lenin, Stalin or the Mao of the Revolution that triumphed in 1949, who put his country through the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution of the 1960s and 1970s, say of Chinese oligarchs and plutocrats, each of whom possessed at least a billion dollars in wealth?

Isn't it obvious? Both the Davos elite and the Chinese elite have learned "marketing" in the time honored Fascist way! "Capitalist" is a good cover for Fascism in the west, and in China, "Communist" is an equally good cover for Fascism in the east. 

They work their magic by cozy relationships between massive world government bureaucracy,  global finance, and maybe most importantly, global media. Bezos owns the Washington Post, Zuckerberg is Facebook. Jack Dorsey of Twitter is worth a mere $5 billion, but he clearly knows where his bread is buttered. He has been able to cancel a former president, and assist mighty in "electing" the current Cadaver In Chief. 

Fascism is far more dangerous than Capitalism, Communism, and Socialism (Communism lite) because it's span of control is much wider. Antitrust laws used to try to prevent captains of industry from working in concert to control markets, government and finance. One ace in the hole used to be adversarial media, but today, big business owns the media (see Bezos and Zuckerberg), and meetings like Davos between the power elite in business, government, education, media, and finance are out in the open and even celebrated. 

Understand the Great Reset

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Ashli Babbitt Memorial?

 It takes awhile to find the video if the moment that Ashli Babitt was murdered. Lots of the sites have removed it, some say it is "offensive" ... you see no blood, it is just "bang you are dead", and I could not make out the officer, although the persistent report is that he is black. 

We still don't know the name of the officer that killed this unarmed military veteran, and it sounds there will be no charges against him. I'm guessing we will never know his name or see his picture. His life will go on.

Here is a picture of Ashli, a person identified by the left media as deserving of death for not obeying a police officer -- a capital offence if you are an unarmed white female veteran with no criminal record, not even a crime at all if you are black. (even if you are armed and shooting)

Here is a link ABC news reporting that George Floyd died of a "cardiopulmonary arrest" - a heart attack. The widely spread media story is now that he died of asphyxiation due to the officers knee on his neck, which was "determined" by an expert who Floyds family contracted. Floyds family received a $27 million settlement from Minneapolis while the jury was being selected for the trial of the officer charged with murder for Floyds drug overdose death. So much for a fair "trial". 

Everyone naturally knows the name of Derek Chauvin

UPDATE: We now know. No charges against the officer, and it unlikely we will ever know his/her name.

In contrast to the "insurrection" at the US Capitol, the Floyd death was protested by "mostly peaceful" demonstrations. Here is a photo of the Minneapolis precinct house "peacefully" burning. 

How can you run when you know? 

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Trust The Communists

Spectator, Nobody Believes China

... well, except the WHO and the US media.

The linked is worth a look ... the Chinese, and the US media are certain the Wuhan Virus didn't come from Wuhan. Oh, and they believe Jeffrey Epstein killed himself. 

As a former long time listener to NPR, I'm always impressed by how superb and reliable Communist governments are. It used to be the USSR  and Cuba. "Everyone has wonderful free healthcare there! The people are well educated and happy! All they want is peace, the US is so warlike! " 

Why in the world would anyone question these facts? 

Now it is China that can do very little wrong. Clearly it is racist of me to have any questions here. The MSM, the WHO, and the US government bureaucracy are completely reliable. 

At worst, it suggests that media outlets with millions invested into the Chinese media market do not want to jeopardize their bottom lines with even the mere suggestion that China’s COVID conclusions simply do not add up. Beijing has not acted like a government that is interested in transparency.
"At worst?" Compared to their huge military buildup, massive espionage activity, etc, a bit of media Chinese collusion is "the worst"? 

At least we can be certain that the Chinese would never try to influence a US election! That would be TERRIBLE! 

One of my favorite "coincidences" is the poor guy that died in a tragic "weightlifting accident" as he was being investigated for funneling money from China to ??? Well, we don't really know where it was going, but US media assures us it was NOT to the Clintons!  

Anyone who has lifted at all knows you have no need to put the collars on the end of bar unless you are benching over 300lbs, at which point the bar starts to bend and the weights can slide off. From personal experience I can attest that when that bar starts to bend, it is pretty cool. 

Otherwise, the collars are off since there is no reason at all to have them on, and it makes it harder to add or subtract weight, which you do all the time. No collars, no "tragic accident" ... as soon as you start to fail and can't lift the weight, the bar becomes unbalanced and the weights slide off (with lots of noise). 

Of course, "conspiracy theorists" have FALSELY claimed this is somehow related to the Clintons! How could they think such a thing? As "PolitiLie" helpfully points out: 

John Ashe represented Antigua and Barbuda at the United Nations and at one time served as president of the General Assembly. In October 2015, the FBI accused Ashe of receiving at least $500,000 in bribes to benefit a Chinese businessman named Ng Lap Seng.

Ng isn’t a household name today but back in 1998, a Senate report identified him as the source of hundreds of thousands of dollars funneled through an Arkansas restaurant owner to the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton-Gore campaign in the mid 1990s. Ng visited the White House 10 times.

That is the known extent of any Clinton connection.

See, we don't KNOW of any Clinton connection, so there wasn't any! If you don't see a mouse in your house, you KNOW that there aren't any ... well, unless you are some crazy paranoid mouse conspiracy theorist! 

For two years we DID KNOW that there was Russian collusion in the 2016 election with the Trump campaign ... it was a key part of the "news" for two years. Then, after the Dems took the House ... well, never mind.  

The MSM and Communist countries have a sterling reputation. Almost as spotless as the Bidens and the Clintons! 

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

New Edition Of Old Fake News Story

The media makes up stories that are harmful to Republicans. Wow, news at 11! 

Why would anyone believe fake media? Certainly not me ...  very rarely even turn it on. Mostly I just listen to the retractions in the rare cases they get caught and actually report it. 

Saturday, February 20, 2021

No Vaccine When Biden Took Office

There was no vaccine when Biden took office (January 20, 2021). This MUST be true, because the MSM assures us that Joe is a capable and honest man! This is the time for us to trust the president, the media, and all government institutions! It is a time for unity! 

Here we have a video from December 21, 2020 that purports to be Biden getting vaccinated. Fake news? It seems impossible that a competent person would forget having been vaccinated when we are assured that it is an IMPORTANT matter. So we are left to choose from the following: 

  • Biden is correct, he is competent, truthful, and there was no vaccine when he took office. 
  • The MSM and much of the US health system is lying to us, and has been  about the status of the vaccine since mid December (the alleged video was faked)
  • Biden is not competent, truthful, or both. 
Which one seems most likely? 

I'm personally going with trusting our highly capable and truthful president! 

When he recommends the Nth dose, I'm going to rush on down! 

Goldilocks has always given me confidence. So how many tests do we need before we run for the woods

"You need to cast a wide net to find Goldilocks," said John Grabenstein, a former executive director of medical affairs for vaccines at Merck and a former Defense Department immunologist. "You want to look at shorter intervals, you want to look at longer intervals, to determine when is the best time, if needed, to re-vaccinate."


Thursday, February 18, 2021

Remembering Rush

The linked PL post brought me back to this post from 2018 celebrating 30 years of Rush.

I didn't listen to Rush very much ... too much entertainment vs information for my taste, but I did appreciate that for a whole lot of "salt of the earth" Americans, he validated what they knew in their hearts and the MSM disparaged. 

Reagan got rid of the "fairness doctrine" which was really the doctrine that made American media the equivalent of "Pravda". If you put on a show that presented a view different from the media deep state complex, it required you to provide "equal time" to the opposing view -- which nobody would listen to, since they already had CBS, NBC, ABC, NPR, etc. Cancelling the "fairness" doctrine made Rush possible. 

It will be a pleasant surprise if the left doesn't bring back that doctrine -- it is essentially what we see on the internet now with "de-platforming" and "canceling". 

I'd put Reagan and William F Buckley in the same class as the excellent Boswell quote from the PL link. 

“He has made a chasm, which not only nothing can fill up, but which nothing has a tendency to fill up. Johnson is dead. Let us go to the next best. There is nobody. No man can be said to put you in the mind of Johnson.”

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Cuomo, Covid, One Party Rule


Why can't you trust Covid "death tolls"? A quote from the linked: 

"DeRosa admitted that ‘basically, we froze’ out of fear of a US Justice Department investigation into how thousands of nursing home patients had died. A ProPublica investigation had found that Cuomo’s March 25 mandate that state nursing homes admit coronavirus patients was akin to ‘introducing fire to dry grass’. An investigation by the state’s Democratic attorney general found that the real numbers boosted the official nursing-home death toll by more than 50 percent, to what is now a total of 13,432. New York State only has some 100,000 patients in nursing homes."

There is no "trust in government" for sane people, especially when there is one party rule as there is in New York. Sadly, as we saw clearly under Trump, the vast federal and state bureaucracies are where the real power is. Thankfully there are still a few who will stand up as this courageous attorney general did, but it is now quite late, and we will likely never know at what cost. The Cuomo family is powerful -- our nation is massively corrupt at all levels, the New York AG had best be very cautious. 

If a state is significantly in Democrat control, you can't put much stock in any number coming out of it -- more government power is the only goal of the Democrat party, and since they support the killing of babies, we know they have no limit to what they will do to maintain and increase that power. Manipulating any sort of number -- especially vote counts, is standard operating procedure. 

Are Republicans not the same? Certainly there are some that are the same, however the overall goal of the Republican party is LESS government, not more. In general, Republicans at least claim to care for the unborn and recently born. Naturally, as humans, they are FAR from "perfect", however there is a reason that over 90% of media, academia,  legal, and government employees vote Democrat. 


You can trust government to nearly always do whatever it takes to expand their power. As in the case of this brave AG, it is the rare exception that really proves the rule! 

How many people died OF Covid vs WITH Covid? We have no idea -- nor do we have any idea about any government number reported, except they are all (including vote counts) reported with a heavy pro government bias! 

Monday, February 1, 2021

Aussies Curious What Has Happened To Wokeistan Under Biden

This video is stolen from the Power Line blog. It is well worth watching. 

The points? 

-- Washington was a ghost town for the Biden "inauguration" except for thousands of National Guard troops ... who are still there, and will be until "March". Very little reporting in the MSM, and no "concern". Can anyone even imagine the outcry if Trump taken similar action in the face of the massive riots and marches as he took office? 

-- Biden issued more executive orders in his first week than any previous president. Even left leaning PolitiLie agrees -- although they put as good a spin on it as they weakly can. Every executive order Trump issued was "tyranny" by comparison -- although the left has now outlawed such comparisons as "WhatAboutism". 

-- Insiders in the WH are already leaking about Biden's mental health. Naturally, the MSM is not generally reporting it -- really. why should they? Anyone with eyes knows it already. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Rand Paul Stands Up

A good little clip to watch in the PL link. Stephanopoulos is certain that voter fraud was not a factor in 2020. I wonder if he was as certain that Russia did not interfere with the 2016 election. 

Rand appears to have a backbone. 

Bezos, Amazon Oppose Mail-in Voting

The link takes to to the Seattle Times, the only "mainstream" source I could find reporting this ... albeit in a rather "coded" way.  

The important quote is: 

Jeff Bezos — a strong Democratic supporter — and Amazon are aiming to postpone a unionization vote at one of its warehouses in Alabama, the Wall Street Journal reports. Interestingly, Amazon has requested that the National Labor Relations Board reconsider allowing mail-in voting, claiming that the mail-in voting process has “serious and systemic flaws.”

For which you have to go to "right wing" sources like this

One reason we are divided is because of what is NOT reported -- if you only listen to the MSM, you never hear this. You believe that "all reasonable people accept mail in voting is safe and secure". Counter claims are "without evidence". 

Certainly none of the "elite" would think it has "serious and systematic flaws"! 

One would have to be some sort of deplorable Trumpist to think that!!! 

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

The Prince of Darkness

Naturally, the NYT review is biased, though it does give a "liberal that don't know they are liberal" view of the book. 

A better short description of the book is "The story of a conservative reporters journey from being a moderate liberal the manner of Scoop Jackson to being a moderate conservative in the manner of Ronald Reagan". 

It is a "nice", though hard hitting remembrance of the times from the 1950's to the Obamanation end of America. It gives a view of American culture and daily life from the perspective of an actual journalist that knows he is biased, and has a decent handle on his biases. 

It covers more detail than necessary (understandable given his "involvement") on the "Plame Affair" ... Joe Wilson went to Niger because his wife, CIA employee Valerie Plame,  recommended him. Wilson brought back a non-committal report on Saddam attempting to get yellowcake (for nuclear purposes). Richard Armitage told Novack about it -- which he reported, including his wife's name -- wich was listed in "Who's Who In America" as Wilson's wife (so not a "secret"). 

The media, the Democrats and the Deep State (but I repeat myself) used this to claim that the "leaker" was Dick Cheney, possibly directed by Bush to "get back" at Wilson for his "report" that Saddam did not deal with Niger. 

Like much of our Fake News today, it was a totally a manufactured "scandal" -- a likely case is that it was manufactured by the CIA and blown out of all proportion by the media and the Democrats, but given what we know now about the media/deep state/Democrat effective singularity, it matters not. With the advantage of hindsight, we can see it was all fake. Like the Russia hoax. The message is "Republicans are EVIL" ... and when the hoax is outed, the media ceases reporting on it and never says "our bad" ... and then it is on to "Ukraine" or something else. 

I thought it read well, because I enjoyed his writing style and his chronicling of the massive drinking, smoking and general "hard" lifestyles of the late 50's and 60's.  

He matter of factly covers the vote fraud that "elected" Kennedy, and he used his being a registered Democrat and sneaky journalist skills to personally observe the massive voter fraud in Daley's Chicago. You know, the thing that never happens and you have to be a racist crazy to claim it does! 

If you are interested in an insider's view of American politics of the 50's to Obama, this is a good book. If you are a liberal, you will like the NYTs review which will naturally put a left spin on it.  

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Cancelling Orwell

Sometimes the rantings of the left are simply funny -- although tragically "funny" as Biden is inaugurated. 

It’s possible Donald Trump’s greatest talent is driving people to buy copies of 1984.

When Trump took office in 2017, sales of George Orwell’s dystopian classic went up by 9,500 percent. And in the wake of January’s Capitol riot, as Senator Josh Hawley decried his book cancellation as “Orwellian” and Donald Trump Jr. responded to his father’s ban from Twitter with the lament that “We are living Orwell’s 1984,” 1984 once again flew up Amazon’s bestseller list, briefly sitting at No. 1.

Last time 1984 returned to the bestseller list, it was because terrified liberals feared the Trump administration would drive us straight into the dystopian horrors of 1984, in which Big Brother is always watching, forcing his subjects to believe that 2 + 2 = 5 if he says it does. This time, it appears to be because outraged conservatives fear that private corporations have begun to censor public speech. But either way, it’s Orwell’s time to shine again.

And so “Orwellian” has become the word of the moment. In fact, it has become the kind of lazy, hackneyed, cliché word of the moment that Orwell himself despised.

So when Trump took office, the sales of 1984 went upf 9,500 percent. As Biden takes office, the sales briefly sat at #1. THEREFORE, it is now time to declare mentions of Orwell's 1984 "as the kind of lazy, hackneyed, cliché word of the moment that Orwell himself despised."

Naturally, when Trump was elected, references to the book were entirely valid! The "truth" is whatever MSM says it is -- and if you say "what about", well, the left has discredited any invocations of "hypocrisy" directed at them via the new term "Whataboutism" -- though of course use of such accusations against the right are still valid. 

I'm quite certain that VOX was totally fine with "sexual preference" went from being fine in the AM until Amy Coney Barrett used it, to offensive in the PM!

Are there ANY words that are not merely whatever the left says they are? 

Monday, December 14, 2020

Dementia, "You Know, The Thing"!

Pretty much as soon as Trump took office (maybe before), the MSM was all over "Trump has dementia!". 

Naturally, even after he aced a mental acuity test, the test was declared invalid, and although the charges became more muted, they didn't go away. 

Anyone that believes in an "unbiased media" will likely not see any difference in the treatment of Biden  -- at least not until they want to replace him with Kamala. 

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Swalwell, Leaker vs Whistle Blower

The Democrat/MSM complex is highly skilled in "spin" ... from the subtle to the very obvious. 

Again, I can’t talk too much about the details of the case even though others may have violated their oath I’m not going to violate mine, but the Axios story made it absolutely clear that no information was ever shared, except, Jim, the people who did share classified information were the people who leaked this story. And to do that against a critic of the president, they may think that they’re going to silence me. They are not going to silence me but what they are going to do is they are going to make others think twice when they are asked to sit down and provide defensive information about people like this.

The Democrat/MSM complex is a lesson in mendacity. If this came out against a Republican, the "Whistleblower" would be a courageous saint"!

Imagine living in a country where supposed "law enforcement" organizations spy on political opponents and then attempt to prosecute them.

That is the "country" (lawless territory" that "live" (masked and locked down) in. 

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Ten Years For Ten Stitches

A young single female police officer gets 10 years for 10 ten stitches to a suspect because she "released her police dog early". The "incident" was 5 years previous, the FBI went after her after a WaPo article, and railroaded a conviction and ridiculously long sentence. 

Read it and weep. It is a testament to human courage that we have any police at all!