Friday, May 14, 2021

Irony, Patrick Buchanan, Fascism

The fact that the linked was written by Pat Buchanan, often considered a Fascist, authored a column clearly describing modern Fascism, yet fails to recognize it as such, proves that irony is not dead yet.

However they [the billionaires] did it, America’s most successful capitalists have learned the lesson some previous generations of capitalists did not — how to preserve their wealth, privilege and economic power and avoid such derisive terms as ‘capitalist pig’.

Yet, of greater interest, and import, is that the China of the new Great Helmsman, Xi Jinping, a one-party Communist dictatorship, coexists with hundreds of Chinese billionaires.

What would Marx, Lenin, Stalin or the Mao of the Revolution that triumphed in 1949, who put his country through the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution of the 1960s and 1970s, say of Chinese oligarchs and plutocrats, each of whom possessed at least a billion dollars in wealth?

Isn't it obvious? Both the Davos elite and the Chinese elite have learned "marketing" in the time honored Fascist way! "Capitalist" is a good cover for Fascism in the west, and in China, "Communist" is an equally good cover for Fascism in the east. 

They work their magic by cozy relationships between massive world government bureaucracy,  global finance, and maybe most importantly, global media. Bezos owns the Washington Post, Zuckerberg is Facebook. Jack Dorsey of Twitter is worth a mere $5 billion, but he clearly knows where his bread is buttered. He has been able to cancel a former president, and assist mighty in "electing" the current Cadaver In Chief. 

Fascism is far more dangerous than Capitalism, Communism, and Socialism (Communism lite) because it's span of control is much wider. Antitrust laws used to try to prevent captains of industry from working in concert to control markets, government and finance. One ace in the hole used to be adversarial media, but today, big business owns the media (see Bezos and Zuckerberg), and meetings like Davos between the power elite in business, government, education, media, and finance are out in the open and even celebrated. 

Understand the Great Reset

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