Monday, July 19, 2021

Vaccine Effectiveness on Wayward TX Legislators

So "5 out of 60" fully vaccinated AWOL TX legislators tested positive for Covid. The link gives the complete list of what this might mean. My guess is: 

  1. Like pretty much any flu vaccine, roughly 50% effectiveness is pretty good. I totally agree with pumping up the effectiveness numbers. ANYTHING to get us out of this crazy round of massive government overreach. Hey! Biden saved us all! Great. Whatever. My level of faith in anything from the government or media (but I repeat myself) is zero.  

  2. The tests are roughly 50% effective either way.  So like everything in this Covid scare, we don't really "know" much of anything beyond a coin flip. As Fauxi as told us ... either masks are not effective, or they are. Flip a coin. 

Masks are not effective. Don't wear them. 

We all know that position changed to MANDATORY masks, although real world experience showed the mandates did nothing

Sunday, July 18, 2021

The Political Vaccine

If you any doubts that everything in this country is political, especially the vaccine, follow the link. 

When Trump was in office, Biden and Harris were highly suspicious of the vaccine.  I do like the honesty of Harris ... "if Trump says to take it, I'm not taking it". Biden is as clear as Biden (or probably his handers) ever are ... "there has to be complete transparency".  Well, at least if the Democrats are not in total control. 

Now that the Deep State minions and are running the circus, taking the vaccine is bordering on mandatory, and questioning anything about it is dangerous "misinformation". As cadaver in chief Biden tells us, saying anything bad about the vaccine is "killing people". 

Therefore, any studies, data, observations, etc that indicate that there are problems with this brand new first in history gigantic trial of a new technology must be censored! 

So how does one learn anything when the actual results are turned into propaganda rather than science? 

A glance at Lysenko will explain "we don't", and in his case it resulted in the deaths of millions. 

A string of skepticism from the left until they were sure the election rig had been successful

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Trump Bad, Taliban OK 

Trump is banned from Twitter, but the Taliban is not. The link doesn't say why, and even tries to come up with some potential (although very thin) reasons why it could make some sense. 

Does anyone really not know the reason? Trump is a threat to the "Great Reset", massive voter fraud, media control of speech, etc, etc 

The Taliban is just a threat to Afghanis, and occasionally when they blow something up (like 9-11) to some unfortunate commoners. From the elite perspective, so what? 

The global elite doesn't fly commercial, and they have great security services. For the good of all, the global Davos, corporatist, woke elite has to be protected from Trump and his unwashed 70 million deplorables! 

Could this be anymore obvious? 

Covid Survivor Vaccinations?

Much like the proud folks who have been double stuck, as a "survivor" of a virus with an over 99% survival rate in my age cohort, I want to think I'm protected, although the media medical complex wants to cast all the doubt they can. Delta variant? Breakthrough infection?. Did you REALLY have it? ... although both my wife and I tested positive and had the fever, lethargy, loss of taste symptoms. Did you not hear that a positive test is only like 50% accurate? 

Certainly the prudent course is to take a brand new mRNA virus vaccine and eat non-GMO organic seedless grapes! 

Research published last month indicated that people who recovered from mild COVID-19 have long-lasting antibody protection. That built on research that reached a similar finding. Previous research also indicated that people who had COVID-19 showed virus-specific T cell responses. The World Health Organization on May 10, in an updated scientific brief (pdf), said that most people who are infected with the CCP virus and recover develop “strong protective immune responses” that remain “robust and protective against reinfection for at least 6–8 months.”

Based on what the Cleveland Clinic researchers found, natural protection from infection lasts at least a year.

The Cleveland Clinic is probably due to lose any federal funding . Have they not got the proper narrative memo? 

Sowell, Knowledge And Decisions

The book is not an easy read, and the linked review is not that easy either. I believe it is impossible to really summarise these topics and the relationship between them because they are both deep and VERY wide!

In this age of Covid, I was especially struck by this prophetic statement near the end of the review: 

What makes this tale particularly unsettling to me is that the modern regulatory state also has supplied pathways to public influence for specialists in normally obscure scientific disciplines. One need only recall the public role of cytologists, pathologists, and geneticists, all of them claiming the halo of scientific objectivity and concern for public safety, in the debates on Love Canal, nitrates, saccharin, aspartame, and malathion (the Medfly spray).

In 1982, even "Anthropogenic Global Warming", now rebranded as "Climate Change" to cover ALL bases, had not entered the fetid relationship of pseudoscience,  bureaucracy, political mass media, etc. 

I'd recommend at least trying to make it through the linked review. 

The VERY inadequate moose summary is that the ever increasing power of intellectuals who have never done anything in the real world, wielded by  bureaucracy, aided abetted by global media and big business, causes the feedback mechanisms of profit/loss and being voted out of office to be effectively suffocated. 

While this book is great, "A Conflict of Visions" is a much more reachable way to get to essentially the same conclusions. 

Anton, Modern Machiavelli

The link is to an excellent, though maybe a little esoteric article by Michael Anton, the esteemed author of the "Flight 93 Election". 

Machiavelli has a poor reputation in Christian circles for obvious reasons, however, just because you don't agree with a lot of a person's thinking is no reason to trash all of it.  

Machiavelli faced a challenge so startlingly similar to ours that it almost seems as if history does repeat itself. To put it as succinctly possible, he sought to liberate philosophy and politics—theory and practice—from a stultifying tradition and corrupt institutions.
The following quote can be thought of as somewhat equivalent to the idea that Christians may need to use "unsavory tools" (like violence)  to protect their families, the weak, and the eternal souls of billions.  This is also dangerous, but possibly necessary. One of my mottos -- "safety first when lighting fires with gasoline"!
They had to admit in other words that in an important respect the good has to take its bearings by the practice of bad cities or that the bad impose their law on the good.
A quote directly applicable to our times; 
Our institutions are rotten. For those needing details on how, I lay it out in chapter 3 of The Stakes. For two fresher examples see, first, the way the government colluded with hedge funds to crush small online investors trying to block an all-too-typical financial sector wealth-extraction power play; second, look at Anthony Fauci’s transparently false denials of having funded COVID research in China, and the media’s (and government’s) shameless attempts to cover it all up. There is really not one institution left in America that is not corrupt in both senses: borderline incompetent, but also venal, self-serving and lawless.

Here is my review of "The Stakes".

As a conservative technologist this really hits home: 
The classics were for almost all practical purposes what now are called conservatives. In contradistinction to many present-day conservatives however, they knew that one cannot be distrustful of political or social change without being distrustful of technological change.

 The discussion of "sophistry" vs "propaganda" is illuminated in "The Ethics of Rhetoric". Basically, sophistry is "fake news", and "propaganda" is more like "long term marketing speech", normally linked with institutions once trusted, and for the uninformed, still trusted.  

Whereas sophistry is the art of persuading a particular democratic assembly on a given issue on a specific day, propaganda aims to shape public opinion broadly and, if not permanently, for as long as humanly possible. Strauss is saying that the classics’ reluctance to innovate—their dispositional conservatism—made them vulnerable to conquest via this new weapon. The conquest happened. Christianity waged a spiritual war against the classical world which the latter proved unable to resist
Machiavelli played the very long game ... which Christians likely need to play today, but with a completely different foundation. 
He proposes to do this via a popular-philosophic alliance in which the people are convinced by a new type of propaganda, disseminated by Machiavelli’s successors, to allow the philosophers to rule (indirectly) in exchange for philosophy providing what the people most want: material plenty and a modicum of security (P 25). Fat and happy, they will forget God, or at least bestow their gratitude on others. (Though there’s a lot more to it than just this.)

So philosophy begat science/technology which caused the masses to forget God and worship science.  Like most best laid plans of man, it is doubtful that Niccolo thought that philosophy, and even the concept of metaphysical truth, would be buried under the "stuff" and entertainment heaped on man in unbelieveale (at Machiavelli's time) plenty. 

A worthy read. 

mRNA Details, Who Do You Trust?

The linked rather long article an interview with Dr Robert Malone, one of the original inventors of mRNA technology. 

I like to check my sources (unlike much of the media today). This from Novotech :

Dr Malone brings more than 20 years of management and leadership experience in academia, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology with deep expertise in regulatory and medical strategy for global clinical product development. Dr Malone is an internationally recognised physician and scientist for his work in the areas of clinical trials, vaccines, gene therapy, biodefense, and immunology and specifically as one of the original inventors of DNA vaccination and multiple non-viral gene therapy technologies (RNA and DNA).
That quote is from 2017, so no doubt Dr Malone is labeled an insane crank today. 

Dr Malone is looking at Ivermectin as a lower cost, better tested med for preventing/treating Covid. Naturally, if you google it, the NIH, CDC don't like it ... much like they originally said that Trump was xenophobic for restricting travel from Wuhan, and that masks were not effective against Covid. 

The American Journal for Therapeutics OTH says:  
Moderate-certainty evidence finds that large reductions in COVID-19 deaths are possible using ivermectin. Using ivermectin early in the clinical course may reduce numbers progressing to severe disease. The apparent safety and low cost suggest that ivermectin is likely to have a significant impact on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic globally.

Dr Malone says: 

Obviously, the RNA vaccines have gotten a lot of attention. They’re remarkable. The adenovirus vectored vaccines probably produce more protein over a longer period of time. They came out fairly early and were identified as associated with coagulation problems. Those coagulation problems are now being seen more with the RNA vaccines.

And there’s an odd spectrum of symptoms. The governments across the world have largely denied that there are any safety concerns with the RNA vaccines. Now, that’s not so tenable.

Another Malone quote:

Now I’ve had COVID. I’ve had long COVID, and it’s changed my body. I don’t have the exercise tolerance I used to have. But I didn’t die, and I’m 61. I’m in a moderate risk group, but we fear it almost like the Africans feared Ebola in the West African outbreak. It’s driving us to compromise some of our fundamentals, including this censorship initiative.

I don’t know what that looks like on the other side. Eventually, we’re going to get through this, but it’s impacting on society in profound ways. This censorship of information, those that are experiencing it, including myself, are profoundly disturbed by what we’re seeing, and the long-term meanings of it.

My wife and I had "short Covid" in December. 

My wife came down with fairly long lasting cold in early June, I picked it up after, and still have a nagging, but clearing cough. We have not been vaccinated based on "watchful waiting", the usual medical advice for something with a 99%+ survival rate, especially if you have had it, that rate even being better.  I've had long term sinus drip/nagging coughs nearly every year of my life since adolescence. Could this be a Covid re-infection? Certainly, however it has none of the original symptoms ... lethargy, loss of taste, etc. 

Of course, if you listen to much of the media (which I don't, but I'm not Amish, nor from Havana), one of the reasons for "masks forever" is that even if you have had it and are vaccinated, you can be re-infected, and your symptoms may be reduced/different - so stay fearful! 

Isn't that convenient if one of your major objectives is to maintain fear, allowing for increased power for government, CDC, etc.? And then there is the "delta variant". 

Have you renewed the extended warranty on your vehicle? You COULD have a repair costing $5K or more! Thank God you are getting this important call! 

The overarching message of the (too long) interview is that the Covid overreaction, plus the suppression of information calling that overreaction into question is reducing faith in public health and vaccinations in general. 

Well DUH! 

Perhaps we should "ask Amy"? 


Just finished Thomas Sowell's  "Knowledge and Decisions" (review to come shortly). An important part of a society descending into bureaucratic tyranny is to maintain fear. Crisis followed by crisis - nuclear war, running out of petroleum, climate change, terrorism, etc, etc. "Never let a "crisis" go to waste". 

Is there a basis for some level of concern on any/all of these? Certainly, however we need to all be aware of the global media, corporatist, bureaucratic "Great Reset". 

Trust no one! 

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Getting The Legos Right

Government Corrects Lego Charge

Perhaps the penalty for the mostly peaceful demonstration (nothing was burned, nobody got a free TV, and the only person killed was an unarmed female veteran by an unnamed assailant)  will be reduced since the Lego model was not fully assembled? 

It is easy to understand how the image of the US has been restored through the "election" of a cadaver post Trump as the media has been celebrating. 

The tragedy of Roe V Wade made America a farce for a good long time. ("first as tragedy, then as farce", Marx)

Trump was an "embarrassment" for the residue  of a formerly significant nation? 

I'm reminded of this great president -- still a leftist hero, even after all the focus on "sexual harassment" ... Roy Moore, Kavanaugh, etc

So I'm just "sitting on the dock of the bay" ...

Monday, July 12, 2021

Trust Not In Self Serving Bureaucracy

Since the dawn of civilization, bureaucracy has been the enemy of the people. It's primary purpose is to increase its own power, followed closely by ensuring its isolation from feedback that would expose its malfeasance and incompetence. 

The biggest lesson of the epidemic, which fortunately many Americans seem to have taken to heart, is that you can’t trust experts or politicians, and you can’t believe anything they tell you about the data or science. YOU NEED TO TRUST YOUR OWN ABILITY TO GET THE FACTS AND REASON OUT THE TRUTH.

Our supposed public health experts, most of whom are lifetime government bureaucrats who couldn’t get or keep a job in private industry (yes, this means you Dr. Fauci) have repeatedly promoted suppression measures which anyone who looked at the research and who was thoughtful would reject. Build and be guided by models that aren’t close to representing reality. Close schools, when there is no risk to children and they are minor transmitters. Recommend massive testing programs that don’t slow spread but do generate false and low positives that force people to wrongly quarantine. Use PCR testing results that are essentially worthless in determining who is actually infectious. Over-attribute hospitalizations and deaths to CV-19 and terrorize the population about how scary this virus is. Close businesses and cause enormous and disruptive unemployment. Push social distancing that makes no difference, endorse plastic barriers that make no difference, and most of all, turn masking into a religion when the only actual research shows masks make no difference to community spread. And on and on, with one stupid, incredibly destructive recommendation after another.

Business relies on results in competition in the market and the feedback of profits, or most frequently lack thereof. Only 30% of new businesses last 30 years,  I could not find a statistic on how long government agencies last, am not so surprised to know that we don't even have an agreed list of how many government agencies we currently have. I will give you a link to the "wide horse and burro" program, just in case you are worried that not enough of your tax dollars are going to that critical funcion! 

The point is that bureaucracy endures, and it is dedicated to survival and expanding, because it has no competitors, nor actual oversight. It is the 4th and most powerful branch of our broken insolvent government. 

NEVER trust in "experts"! In order to be an expert on something, you must know more and more about less and less, until you know everything about nothing. That is the price of being a limited human in a universe where the details about even an electron are infinite. 

Given that limitation along with the prime objective of making certain you get credit for anything you can present as a "success",  no matter the cost to others, as well as being a true "expert" on dodging any responsibility for failure. 

Covid did a great job of exposing the total failure of our "experts", though given the efforts of the general media cheerleading, and social media cancelling, most will succumb to the narrative of bureaucratic and "expert" success. 

Monday, July 5, 2021

Cosby, Evidence, Burden Of Proof

Hollywood is easy to "stun" under some conditions, impervious under others. Cosby for 30+ years, Billy C forever, Harvey Weinstein for decades, etc, etc 

I covered the Cosby lynching  back in 2014, his actual sin was coming forward for blacks being responsible in their daily lives. What a nasty man!  

Our "legal system" is purely political. If you tow the leftist line, you walk! Increasingly, if you are black, the "justice" will do their best to avoid any enforcement action at all. 

As in the case of Kavanaugh, if you end up as their target and they can paint you as "unwoke" in any way, forget the idea of "innocent till PROVEN guilty". They demand you prove the negative. "Proving" anything decades old is nigh on impossible, even murders that you KNOW happened because they leave physical evidence, are very difficult to prosecute. 

Such evidence is very rare for "harassment",  unless you have a stained blue dress. Naturally, if you are in good standing with the Democrats, even that doesn't matter!