Showing posts with label Biden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Biden. Show all posts

Saturday, July 3, 2021

F-15s And Nukes


The cadaver thinks you need to have F-15s and nukes to challenge the Wokeistani government. 

In Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq, even the pre-pregnant fighter pilot military seemed a bit "challenged". 

Enforcement of gun laws has always been lax, I'm sure we can trust the alzheimer's poster geezer to fix that!

oh, and actually you CAN own a cannon, even today

You can also own a fighter jet (though probably not an F-15 unless you donate a lot to Biden). Interestingly, when I was at the EAA convention, many of the owners of the fighter jets bring their "25-30 something" exceptionally beautiful "daughters" along!

Here is my personal hand cannon  S&W .460 mag. I need it in case the home intruder steps behind the refrigerator. 

Monday, June 28, 2021

Destroy Your Currency, Destroy Your Country 

A good report on what is happening in Lebanon as their currency becomes increasingly worthless. Our elites assure us "it can't happen here". Why, thinking it would, is like thinking the 2016 election was not invalidated by Russian interference, or imagining that Biden breaking Obama's 2008 record of 69 million with a new record of 81 million was somehow "fishy". Obvious conspiracy theory ... like thinking that the Wuhan Coronavirus may have come from a lab in Wuhan working on enhancing the lethality of Corona viruses.  

Even looking at things like this shows that one's mental faculties are slipping ...  some idiot people even question the clear ability of our vibrant leader Joe Biden! It seems that such people need to re-educated at a minimum ... possibly put in nice remote camp for some therapeutic shock treatment to get their minds right?

It can't happen here! Just look at the gas pump, or a restaurant tab, it is obvious our dollars are as sound as Biden, and isn't that a relief? 

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

America, Taiwan, What Is "A Country"?

Taiwan has the advantage of being a specific territory, but through use of power, China increasingly says it is not a country. So does John Cena. 

Iraq once declared Kuwait was not a country. HW Bush, ("wouldn't be prudent"), usually considered a total whimp, actually stood up and threw the Iraqi bums out. Kuwait remained a country. 

The old United States was a country based on ideas rather than territory. "We hold these truths to be self evident", a written Constitution that was actually followed, and a population that revered the founding, the founders and the founding principles/ideas. I maintain that since Critical Race Theory and "Wokeness" are now the supposedly "elected" foundation of the territory once known as "America", whatever it is, it is no longer a country. 

Part of being a country is being able to defend your borders, and/or having enough allies to join with you to keep your status as a country. 

Suppose the Cadaver In Chief of Wokeistan is likely to stand with Taiwan? 

Not too likely is it? 


Wednesday, May 19, 2021

The AP, Dead Gorilla In Coal Mine

A common old time expression was "the canary in the coal mine". Allegedly, miners kept a canary with them, and if it dropped dead, they got out. Supposedly canaries were more sensitive to lethal gases than humans, so they were an early warning system. 

The AP has been dead for a long time, but in this age of continuing to kick Trump and his supporters after he is long gone, a little "corpse abuse" is in order.

The latest example of AP’s troubled role involves its offices in the Gaza Strip, a territory controlled by Hamas. For some 15 years, the AP has operated out of an 11-story building in Gaza City, the al-Jalaa Tower, where al Jazeera also has offices. According to Israeli military intelligence, journalists weren’t the only ones in that tower. Hamas terrorists also had offices there and were using them to plan terror attacks on Jewish civilians. So, in the midst of Israel’s wider military campaign against Hamas assets, the Israeli Defense Forces told everyone to evacuate the building, which was then destroyed by aerial bombardment. No one was injured.
Remember how Trump was going to be disaster, especially in foreign policy? Is't it special that we now have the worst Palestinian situation since 2014? Gee, who was president then?

The column is worth a read, as Lipson usually is.

Nord Stream Yes, Keystone No 

The linked talks about how Biden has decided to quit blocking the Russian to Germany Nord Stream 2. I suppose in an effort to avoid "whataboutism". It ignores the fact that Biden cancelled Keystone on day 1, and also stopped fracking on government lands.

Support our rivals, kick America to the curb. After all, America, now Wokeistan is "institutionally racist" don't ya know. 

C'mon man

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Slow Joe, Slow Decisions

Hey, when the missiles are in the air, or hordes of Chinese drones are knocking out your power grid, you want a "leader" who can make some sort of decision in a week or so. 

On policy issues, Mr. Biden, 78, takes days or weeks to make up his mind as he examines and second-guesses himself and others. It is a method of governing that can feel at odds with the urgency of a country still reeling from a pandemic and an economy struggling to recover.
Oh, I'm sure this is only on "policy issues". Putin (and no doubt Xi Jinping) are likely duly impressed with the amount of "behind the scenes prep" it takes for Joe to be functional. Nothing like a senile "leader" of the formerly great nation that was once competitive with you!

In the end, Mr. Biden called Mr. Putin directly and then delivered a public statement on Russia sanctions that lasted only five minutes and 49 seconds. For as much as Mr. Biden projects an aura of ease — with his frequent backslapping, references to Irish poetry and liberal use of the phrase “c’mon, man” — his aides say it takes a lot of behind-the-scenes work to prepare him to project an assured demeanor.

This stuff is from the NY Times, through Power Line. I think PL is being pollyannaish about  there being any rationality entering into the MSM mindset. Joe is a great guy for them, Russia, China, the Davos Elite, etc ... 

Friday, May 14, 2021

The Woke CIA


Tucker gives us some "hope a dope" that this may all be a deep fake. (ha, ha)

When the world is insane, and lest a little laugher at the insanity might improve your mood! 

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Trust The Communists

Spectator, Nobody Believes China

... well, except the WHO and the US media.

The linked is worth a look ... the Chinese, and the US media are certain the Wuhan Virus didn't come from Wuhan. Oh, and they believe Jeffrey Epstein killed himself. 

As a former long time listener to NPR, I'm always impressed by how superb and reliable Communist governments are. It used to be the USSR  and Cuba. "Everyone has wonderful free healthcare there! The people are well educated and happy! All they want is peace, the US is so warlike! " 

Why in the world would anyone question these facts? 

Now it is China that can do very little wrong. Clearly it is racist of me to have any questions here. The MSM, the WHO, and the US government bureaucracy are completely reliable. 

At worst, it suggests that media outlets with millions invested into the Chinese media market do not want to jeopardize their bottom lines with even the mere suggestion that China’s COVID conclusions simply do not add up. Beijing has not acted like a government that is interested in transparency.
"At worst?" Compared to their huge military buildup, massive espionage activity, etc, a bit of media Chinese collusion is "the worst"? 

At least we can be certain that the Chinese would never try to influence a US election! That would be TERRIBLE! 

One of my favorite "coincidences" is the poor guy that died in a tragic "weightlifting accident" as he was being investigated for funneling money from China to ??? Well, we don't really know where it was going, but US media assures us it was NOT to the Clintons!  

Anyone who has lifted at all knows you have no need to put the collars on the end of bar unless you are benching over 300lbs, at which point the bar starts to bend and the weights can slide off. From personal experience I can attest that when that bar starts to bend, it is pretty cool. 

Otherwise, the collars are off since there is no reason at all to have them on, and it makes it harder to add or subtract weight, which you do all the time. No collars, no "tragic accident" ... as soon as you start to fail and can't lift the weight, the bar becomes unbalanced and the weights slide off (with lots of noise). 

Of course, "conspiracy theorists" have FALSELY claimed this is somehow related to the Clintons! How could they think such a thing? As "PolitiLie" helpfully points out: 

John Ashe represented Antigua and Barbuda at the United Nations and at one time served as president of the General Assembly. In October 2015, the FBI accused Ashe of receiving at least $500,000 in bribes to benefit a Chinese businessman named Ng Lap Seng.

Ng isn’t a household name today but back in 1998, a Senate report identified him as the source of hundreds of thousands of dollars funneled through an Arkansas restaurant owner to the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton-Gore campaign in the mid 1990s. Ng visited the White House 10 times.

That is the known extent of any Clinton connection.

See, we don't KNOW of any Clinton connection, so there wasn't any! If you don't see a mouse in your house, you KNOW that there aren't any ... well, unless you are some crazy paranoid mouse conspiracy theorist! 

For two years we DID KNOW that there was Russian collusion in the 2016 election with the Trump campaign ... it was a key part of the "news" for two years. Then, after the Dems took the House ... well, never mind.  

The MSM and Communist countries have a sterling reputation. Almost as spotless as the Bidens and the Clintons! 

Friday, March 19, 2021

Monday, March 8, 2021

The Madness Of Crowds, Douglas Murray

 Here is a Review From National Review.

There are a lot of tabs in my copy, which means that Murray covered a lot of points that I find important. 

As I got to the afterward, I was struck by Murray's observation that while he had stepped on some of the most contentious issues of our time (gays, women, race, and transexuality), he had largely been treated "fairly", and the book was popular. My view is that the fact that he considers himself to be gay is the reason for that ... as he covers in the first section of the book, gay is the "foundation" of Identity Politics -- a member of that identity can pass through the "minefield" of identity if they step carefully. Murray seems to have largely achieved that. 

He does a good job of pointing out the absurdities of our age relative to his four categories. One of the themes is; what is "hardware" in humans ("nature" -- wired in, part of DNA); vs what is "software" (  "nurture", changed by environment, learnable, teachable).

The base of this discussion ... "hardware is fixed and therefore morally OK" seems fatally flawed. Certainly sexual drives are "hardware", however there is such a thing as celibacy, and monogamy, which are socially (imperfectly) standards. In the age of "if it feels good, do it", it seems that the "hardware vs software" a distinction without a difference. It seems applicable to many things ... obesity, addiction, pedofillia, ...

He arrives at essentially the same conclusion as Christ as in "man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God", ie, a fixed unchangeable morality is what we need. Nietzsche says we have culturally killed God, so we seek to create a new "god" via science, culture ... POWER. Thus the fight. From this review:

Murray spends a significant amount of time considering how we got to this stage and declares that it derives from an absence of meaning from the loss of “grand narratives.” Presumably, by this he means the loss of a conviction that our great, Liberal utopia is no longer worth saving, let alone maintaining. Tantalizing as this may be, the loss of this conviction is not discussed at much length in The Madness of Crowds, although it does feature extensively in The Strange Death of Europe.

On page 256, he takes a shot at this; "A sense of purpose is found in working out what is meaningful in our lives and then orienting ourselves over time as closely as possible to those centers of meaning".  

Although he doesn't admit it, he is basically declaring what everyone since Nietzsche has discovered -- we try valiantly to pull ourselves up to meaning by our own bootstraps, and discover that it comes back to FAITH ... in something that we are going to make to be "transcendent" ... therefore an idol. This is covered very well in "Moral, Believing Animals". 

His closing sentence is; "To assume that that sex, sexuality, and skin color mean nothing would be ridiculous. But to assume that they mean everything will be fatal." 

Eternally, "sex, sexuality and skin color" DO mean nothing. We are all equally sinful, and equally redeemable in the eyes of God. There was even once a country called "america" that declared that: 

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

No creator, no "unalienable". Or on the terms of the "leader" of Wokeistan, "endowed by the thing" ... the once shining nation on a hill is gone. 

Saturday, February 20, 2021

No Vaccine When Biden Took Office

There was no vaccine when Biden took office (January 20, 2021). This MUST be true, because the MSM assures us that Joe is a capable and honest man! This is the time for us to trust the president, the media, and all government institutions! It is a time for unity! 

Here we have a video from December 21, 2020 that purports to be Biden getting vaccinated. Fake news? It seems impossible that a competent person would forget having been vaccinated when we are assured that it is an IMPORTANT matter. So we are left to choose from the following: 

  • Biden is correct, he is competent, truthful, and there was no vaccine when he took office. 
  • The MSM and much of the US health system is lying to us, and has been  about the status of the vaccine since mid December (the alleged video was faked)
  • Biden is not competent, truthful, or both. 
Which one seems most likely? 

I'm personally going with trusting our highly capable and truthful president! 

When he recommends the Nth dose, I'm going to rush on down! 

Goldilocks has always given me confidence. So how many tests do we need before we run for the woods

"You need to cast a wide net to find Goldilocks," said John Grabenstein, a former executive director of medical affairs for vaccines at Merck and a former Defense Department immunologist. "You want to look at shorter intervals, you want to look at longer intervals, to determine when is the best time, if needed, to re-vaccinate."


Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Biden, Barrett - Good Faith, Bad Faith

Documenting the fact that if the left didn't have double standards, they would have no standards at all is a thankless, tiresome task. It mostly makes people of actual Christian faith exasperated to the point of anger, and for the left, it is merely documenting that they have "truth", and anyone that disagrees is a hateful heretic. The religion of Wokeism believes that those who disagree are irredeemable deplorable. 

The completely opposite treatment of Biden and Barrett, two supposed Catholics is clear -- but to half the country, completely meaningless. For the woke, Biden's form of "Catholicism" that denies major teachings of the supposed church is "the real faith".  Barrett's actual Catholic faith is deplorable. 

Just three months ago, the same media praising Biden for his “devout” faith was working feverishly to convince anyone who would listen that Amy Coney Barrett’s strict adherence to Catholic teachings made her a “radical.”

Monday, February 1, 2021

Damn The Environment, Invest In Lithium 

The world is filled with winners and losers. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. 

The world is on a "clean energy" binge -- so what is the equal and opposite reaction? Lithium, cobalt, manganese and other things have to be mined, processed, transported, etc. So there is collateral damage to the environment. Who cares? The "right" people get rich and the oil and gas workers get the shaft.  

My current (small) investment in lithium is LIT ... based on my investment expertise, I'd recommend selling that puppy short! (NO! I'm kidding! Unless you are a Davos elite insider, short selling is RISKY). 

Much like the Covid panic, where the elite made LOTS of money (Amazon, Google, WalMart, people that were in the know that after the crash, governments would go on a printing binge, etc). 

Who makes lots of money from Biden being "elected"? Wind / solar companies, rail companies like BNSF because pipelines are being cancelled, so more has to move by rail (Warren Buffet owns BNSF) ... 

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Behold Biden, All Things Have Become New!

Biden's liberal "christianity"? Well, no, what is happening is faith in "the thing". 

Here we have a bit of detail in what sort of thing this faith is in: 

When it was time for the homily, the Rev. Kevin F. O’Brien, the president of Santa Clara University and friend of the Biden family, compared Mr. Biden’s upcoming inaugural message to the words of Jesus.
“Your public service is animated by the same conviction,” he said, “to help and protect people and to advance justice and reconciliation, especially for those who are too often looked over and left behind.”

“This is your noble commission,” he said. “This is the divine summons for all of us.”

The actual Christian commission is found in Matt 28:

19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

The article makes it clear that while there is a lot of "liberalism" in this faith,  it is "Christian" in name only. Like the rest of our "culture", whatever "it" is, it is not culture, and certainly not "Christian".  We live in an age of fake religion, fake culture, and fake virtue. What we have is increasingly real Fascism. 

Practicing Christians that know Christ died on the cross to redeem us from eternal damnation, not to foster new social programs that attempt to make the government "God". He told his followers to feed the poor and other good deeds -- not to puff your chest because you voted to outsource your "good deeds" to the government. 

There is still nothing new under the sun. "For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." Indeed ... and sadly in this world, mostly evil. 

Reading the article shows just how far we have fallen from that tree.

President Biden, perhaps the most religiously observant commander in chief in half a century, speaks of how his Catholic faith grounds his life and his policies.

He may be "religious" and to some degree, even "Catholic" (to the extent that church abandons life, marriage, sexual morality, etc), but he is in no way Christian, unless he repents!  


Monday, November 30, 2020

The Voter Fraud Is Strong With This One

Well, it isn't "puzzling" to me. 

The only reason to fight voter ID tooth and nail as Democrats always have, is that you know you generally need it to win elections. It has been true since Reconstruction and Jim Crow, through Boss Tweed/Tammany Hall, Mayor Daley, etc. JFK was "elected" though voter fraud ... Joseph Kennedy was at least honest in this case: "Don't buy a single vote more than necessary. I'll be damned if I'm going to pay for a landslide". 

Certainly modern Democrats have lost any semblance of parsimony -- with their money or ours, but if we are paying ANY attention, we knew that already. This time they over achieved by millions. As Biden said. it was the greatest vote fraud organization in history! (so far)

Since the media has been mostly Democrat for a LONG time, and Americans (especially the hard working ones) have a strong aversion to the seedy, wasteful business of politics, most Americans don't want to look in that sewer. It is clear now that if they want to retain any illusion of "freedom" while they are masked and locked in their houses, they are going to have to jump in that sewer now. The toilets are backing up.

The article is WELL worth the read. A teaser ... 

Midwestern states Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin always swing in the same direction as Ohio and Iowa, their regional peers. Ohio likewise swings with Florida. Current tallies show that, outside of a few cities, the Rust Belt swung in Trump’s direction. Yet, Biden leads in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin because of an apparent avalanche of black votes in Detroit, Philadelphia, and Milwaukee. Biden’s ‘winning’ margin was derived almost entirely from such voters in these cities, as coincidentally his black vote spiked only in exactly the locations necessary to secure victory. He did not receive comparable levels of support among comparable demographic groups in comparable states, which is highly unusual for the presidential victor.

Friday, November 27, 2020

Biden The "Palmist"

A "devout" Catholic that doesn't know the "P" in "Psalms" is silent. Why, I'm "certain" that this will create a covfefe  type media frenzy! Important coverage from the Atlantic of the terror of that misspelling of "coverage". Why, how are we even to know that he is sentient? He may be so delusional to think he is a legitimately "elected" el presidente of the banana republic of BOistan!

This must be covered! It sounds like as many as ONE thousand people may have seen his crucial Thanksgiving address. 

Perhaps he needs to contact a palmist?