Thursday, February 24, 2022

Bronze Age Mindset

The link is to an excellent review of the book by Michael Anton whom I highly respect.

I have read the book. I find it "weird and offensive" which is clearly intended by the author. It was published in the middle of 2018, and to support my "weirdness claim", on page 85  he mentions that "the. Trump family knows the secrets of Tesla". I'm not going to go and dig into what these may actually be ... my guess is that this is a "conspiracy theory" like the old "the auto and gas companies have a carburetor that would give you "hundreds" of MPG, but they collude to keep it secret". If you want to go down that rat hole, here is a portal ... vast free energy, wireless power, and who knows. "The conspiracy" discredited him and he went into hiding. 

I tend to  disbelieve conspiracy theories, but there are many that buy them. There was once was one that claimed the Russians, major oil/gas producers who had paid millions to prevent fracking by the US and Canada, colluded/conspired with Trump (a major supporter of fracking) to get him elected over Hillary Clinton, (a major opponent of fracking). 

Hard to imagine anyone would be taken in by that, but since millions were, it shows that conspiracy theories can work! 

The book is allegedly written by "Bronze Age Pervert", whose identity is very shadowing, there anr claims/conjectures that he is actually a PHD of some note, and that the weird apparently uneducated syntax and spelling are just more cover for someone who presents at least a moderate threat to current CRT, progressivism, wokeism, etc 

Politico covered it here in August 2019, with comments like: 

Most of the well-known figures associated with the alt-right or “alt-lite” — Milo Yiannopoulos, Gavin McInnes, Richard Spencer — have been successfully demoralized, deplatformed or otherwise banished from the public square. But this has not eliminated the underlying source of their relevance: disaffected young men, mostly white, with internet access.

The spectre of "disaffected young men, mostly white, with internet access" is the woke equivalent of anti-communism in the age of McCarthy -- with "deplatforming" being the key mechanism of suppression as opposed to the "House Un-American Committee" in the 1940s. 

The Antton article is worth the time. This excerpt from the Politico link above gives one view of the book: 

The 200-page book mixes Nietzschean philosophy with critiques of contemporary Western society, denigrating homosexuality, Judiasm, Islam, feminism and much else along the way. “Inside every noble Greek was an unquenchable lust for power,” is one fairly typical statement. “Modern world not bad just because modern,” is another, displaying the author’s habit of lapsing into broken English by dropping articles. The book claims that the leaders of the European Union have “tiny moleman eyes.” Many of its passages are profane and unprintable.

For those who are too distracted by video to read, perhaps audio is still a possibility. This podcast is excellent, although the tech problems are distracting, but Steve did an excellent job of editing.

Rather interesting that as I post this, Russia has just invaded Ukraine  ... perhaps BAPism is going to actually be a force in the real world!    

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

New York Times Still Wants Thomas Lynched

Yes, I subscribed to the NYT under the "know your enemy" philosophy. 

The Times has become the unabashed enemy of any apostates who dare question  the religion of of "Progressivism, Secular Humanism, Wokeism, Critical Race Theory, Materialism, etc ", especially if they are Black! 

This makes Clarence Thomas their sworn enemy, as well as his wife Gunni. There is nothing more offensive to the left as a Black Conservative, Christian, Constitutional Originalist -- especially one with any sort of power, which a sitting SCOTUS judge certainly has.  

It is a long article that shows just how hard the left attacks their enemies, and shows how far we have strayed from Lincoln's 2nd inaugural. 

The Times article must be long because it seeks to tear down a man that supports what Lincoln did without declaring it's real purpose. Lincoln sought to unify a nation divided by slavery, but a nation that prayed to the same God,  recognizing that man was not the measure of all things. 

The NYT firmly believes that man IS the measure, and that "Progressivism, Secular Humanism, Wokeism, Critical Race Theory, Materialism, etc" are "truth". They firmly believe there is no "higher power" than the power of man, so power will define "the just, the good, the wise". 

The article begins with: 

The call to action was titled “Election Results and Legal Battles: What Now?” Shared in the days after the 2020 presidential election, it urged the members of an influential if secretive right-wing group to contact legislators in three of the swing states that tipped the balance for Joe Biden — Arizona, Georgia and Pennsylvania. The aim was audacious: Keep President Donald J. Trump in power.

The group, the Council for National Policy, brings together old-school Republican luminaries, Christian conservatives, Tea Party activists and MAGA operatives, with more than 400 members who include leaders of organizations like the Federalist Society, the National Rifle Association and the Family Research Council. Founded in 1981 as a counterweight to liberalism, the group was hailed by President Ronald Reagan as seeking the “return of righteousness, justice and truth” to America.

Obviously, this "secret group" ("secret" web page here) with stated goals like “the return of righteousness, justice and truth to America" is a clear and present danger -- the fact that Clarence Thomas and his wife would agree with such a group is a threat to the "just" forces like the NYT that have recognized that America is a stain on the planet, founded on slavery, dedicated to white privilege, sexism, destroying the environment, and all that is evil ... like Christianity.

As Hillary Clinton stated (without evidence) in 2019, about if it bothered her that then current Democrat candidates failed to adequately defend her when criticised by Trump supporters.

"No, it doesn’t kill me because he knows he’s an illegitimate president,” she said. “I believe he understands that the many varying tactics they used, from voter suppression and voter purging to hacking to the false stories — he knows that — there were just a bunch of different reasons why the election turned out like it did.”

2016 was "illegitimate", questioning 2020 is "the big lie" and if you engage in it, you need to be removed from social media if not worse. If you take part in a mostly peaceful demonstration where the only person killed was an unarmed white female military veteran, you can be imprisoned with no legal representation and no trial for over a year. 

If one only read the NYT and it's adjuncts in the MSM, it may seem that there is only the "center, correct, progressive" wing in American politics, opposed by the evil forces of the right, and far right. 

We all know that affirmative action is a wonderful thing. As MLK said, "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today".

Here is how that worked out for Clarence Thomas:

Thomas got his law degree from Yale but stuck a 15-cent cigar sticker to the frame of his diploma after failing to get a big law job — such firms, he would write, attributed his academic pedigree to preferential treatment. Instead, he took the only job offer he received and went to work for Missouri’s Republican attorney general, John Danforth, and discovered the writings of the Black conservative Thomas Sowell, who assailed affirmative action as undercutting self-reliance; Thomas wrote that he “felt like a thirsty man gulping down a glass of cool water” to see his own beliefs articulated. A few years later, after he was appointed by Reagan to head the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, he would complain that Black civil rights leaders “bitch, bitch, bitch, moan and moan, whine and whine.”

What standard did big law firms use to judge Clarence Thomas? The standard of preferential treatment for blacks. Later, that problem was "solved" by quotas in business as well as universities. By the time I joined IBM in 1978,  Thomas would have been in high demand -- no matter his credentials, it was the color of his skin that mattered, as we see today with "BLACK Lives Matter" ... White, Hispanic, Asian? Not so much, except the ivy league schools discriminate against Asians because if they used merit, our colleges, med schools, etc would approach 100% Asian. 

We live in a nation that judges on the basis of color, gender, sexual identity, etc, with the assumption that if you are especially a White male, credentials don't matter because you got them based on "privilege". 

As the left labors to create a new Civil War, it is good to review the much shorter 2nd inaugural address by Lincoln, as opposed to the interminable screed from the NYT: 

Fellow Countrymen:

At this second appearing to take the oath of the presidential office, there is less occasion for an extended address than there was at the first. Then a statement, somewhat in detail, of a course to be pursued, seemed fitting and proper. Now, at the expiration of four years, during which public declarations have been constantly called forth on every point and phase of the great contest which still absorbs the attention, and engrosses the energies of the nation, little that is new could be presented. The progress of our arms, upon which all else chiefly depends, is as well known to the public as to myself; and it is, I trust, reasonably satisfactory and encouraging to all. With high hope for the future, no prediction in regard to it is ventured.

On the occasion corresponding to this four years ago, all thoughts were anxiously directed to an impending civil war. All dreaded it, all sought to avert it. While the inaugural address was being delivered from this place, devoted altogether to saving the Union without war, insurgent agents were in the city seeking to destroy it without war – seeking to dissolve the Union, and divide effects, by negotiation. Both parties deprecated war; but one of them would make war rather than let the nation survive; and the other would accept war rather than let it perish. And the war came.

One eighth of the whole population were colored slaves, not distributed generally over the Union, but localized in the Southern part of it. These slaves constituted a peculiar and powerful interest. All knew that this interest was, somehow, the cause of the war. To strengthen, perpetuate, and extend this interest was the object for which the insurgents would rend the Union, even by war; while the government claimed no right to do more than to restrict the territorial enlargement of it. Neither party expected for the war, the magnitude, or the duration, which it has already attained. Neither anticipated that the cause of the conflict might cease with, or even before, the conflict itself should cease. Each looked for an easier triumph, and a result less fundamental and astounding. Both read the same Bible, and pray to the same God; and each invokes His aid against the other. It may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just God’s assistance in wringing their bread from the sweat of other men’s faces; but let us judge not that we be not judged.1 The prayers of both could not be answered; that of neither has been answered fully. The Almighty has His own purposes. Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!
If we shall suppose that American Slavery is one of those offences which, in the providence of God, must needs come, but which, having continued through His appointed time, He now wills to remove, and that He gives to both North and South, this terrible war, as the woe due to those by whom the offence came, shall we discern therein any departure from those divine attributes which the believers in a Living God always ascribe to Him? Fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray, that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. 
Yet, if God wills that it continue, until all the wealth piled by the bond-man’s two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash, shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said “the judgments of the Lord, are true and righteous altogether.”

With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation’s wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan – to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and a lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations.
We certainly no longer live in a nation that reads the same Bible ... in fact, very few read the Bible at all. 

As the screed from the NYT shows, we are a nation with a lot of malice toward an "uppity Black" that has the audacity to be a SCOTUS Judge, conservative, Christian, and obviously very intelligent ,,, although the left maligned his intelligence with extreme malice when he was first appointed ... from the article:

During his first decade on the court, Thomas was often characterized by his critics as a cipher who almost never asked questions from the bench and was an underwhelming understudy to Justice Antonin Scalia.

"Cipher", a person of very little power used by others. 

My my, how times have changed! The NYT now sees this "cipher" as a threat to their progressive dogma worthy of wasting a lot of ink in the attempt to discredit him. 

What REALLY matters today is your political persuasion, and the reaction of the left to a Black Republican proves that Democrats have never allowed Blacks to leave the plantation ... it is just a political plantation now, and they really want to lynch those that escape!  



Thursday, February 3, 2022

Totalitarian News Initiative

Big Brother is world wide.and he is trying to insure you to see only his narrative.

The Trusted News Initiative (TNI) was set up last year to protect audiences and users from disinformation, particularly around moments of jeopardy, such as elections. The TNI complements existing programmes partners have in place.

The partners currently within the TNI are: AP, AFP; BBC, CBC/Radio-Canada, European Broadcasting Union (EBU),Facebook, Financial Times, First Draft, Google/YouTube, The Hindu, Microsoft , Reuters, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, Twitter, The Washington Post.

The TNI cooperative framework has been jointly developed amongst partners, and relates to only the most serious disinformation, which threatens life or the integrity of the electoral process. This is entirely separate from and does not in any way affect the editorial stance of any partner organisation.
I think the proper term would "existing progroms". 

If Big Brother says that Trump was not really elected because of Russian interference, and Biden was validly elected and any questions about  that are "The Big Lioe", that is the narrative, and you better parrot it! 

Oh, BTW, there is a critical problem with our elections and they MUST be extensively "reformed" so they can be trusted. 

You might be confused how it can be that if Biden's election was certainly valid and can't be questioned, it it is CERTAIN ("Jim Crow" even) that without massive national changes to voting laws, the midterms might be "invalid" (translation -- without the "reforms" Republicans might make electoral gains, perhaps even taking control of both houses!). 

This is the world we now live in. Can we get to ACTUAL valid elections .... like voter ID required, zero mail in voting, voter rolls up to date and cross checked, etc? 

Key points of Democrat "reform"; voter ID racist, no state can have it, all states must have mail in voting. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Is Man Good By Nature?

One of the core tenets of  leftism is that man is basically "good" -- "The noble savage".  The assertion is that society that corrupts, and if society lets "nature take its course" ... usually focused on the goodness of removing sexual mores ("repression"), we would basically get back to "The Garden". 

Religions say that man is "fallen / not enlightened / etc" and needs religion, family, and society to be moulded into being "civilized" rather a violent savage.

The link is to Jane Goodall's observation that chimps were very violent forced a lot of the left to realize that there was a snake in the drug fueled "garden" postulated by many 1960s leftists. 

"Make love not war" turned out to not be as "natural" as the mostly wishful thinking "humanists" thought. 

Perhaps man needed to accept his fallen nature, and be Baptized and led by the Holy Spirit to actually experience love. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2022


NPR is standing by reporting from its legal affairs correspondent, Nina Totenberg, alleging that Justice Neil Gorsuch refused a request from Chief Justice John Roberts that he don a mask on the bench — a request that Totenberg implied was made by Justice Sonia Sotomayor, who is diabetic.
So NPR reports that Neil Gorsuch refused a request from the Chief Justice to wear a mask.
“On Wednesday, Sotomayor and Gorsuch issued a statement saying that she did not ask him to wear a mask. NPR’s report did not say that she did. Then, the chief justice issued a statement saying he ‘did not request Justice Gorsuch or any other justice to wear a mask on the bench.’ The NPR report said the chief justice’s ask to the justices had come ‘in some form.'”
So who are you going to believe, the justices themselves or NPR? 

Hard to understand how their could be division in our country isn't it?

Ideas Have Consequences, Richard Weaver.

This is one of those books that I have read a few times, and find that I enjoy it and find new insights each time. (I might leave out the cheesy Star Trek video clip if I was to do a "serious review"" again. 

This is just a glorified link to a book that I didn't want readers of this blog to miss. 

I'll only include one quote ... it is worth following the link to the more extensive review, and of course reading the book itself. 

"For four centuries every man has been not only his own priest, but his own professor of ethics, and the consequence is an anarchy which threatens even that minimum consensus of value necessary to the political state."

Tuesday, January 18, 2022


The article is maybe a good summary about what the elites think of Q and QAnon. 

I like to think of myself as a skeptic with an open mind. My mind is closed relative to the basic teachings of the Bible and the teachings of the LCMS ... that is my religion, and everyone's mind is closed relative to their word view / faith, and our world view/faith colors everything we see ... is is the "glasses" through which we "see" the world. 

"Moral Believing Animals" is a great way to understand this. 

The elites see Q as a "conspiracy theory", and there are certainly elements of that in it. 

We need to keep in mind that over 50% of Democrats believed that 9/11 was an "inside job" ... on that, they are probably unified with a significant number of Q believers. To oversimplify, Gallup says around half of Americans trust the government, however only 37% trust the legislative branch ... it would be interesting to know how many of them realize that the giant Administrative State which is really the practical "government" is supposed to be under legislative oversight, but largely isn't - it is a law unto itself. It wasted 2 years iinvestigating a sitting president on the basis of fake "evidence" obtained by the opposing candidate in the election (Hillary), which naturally was NOT investigated! 

Things like the constant changes of position on Covid as well as the totalitarian "mandates" are not conducive to trust. Biden declared in September 2020 that if he had been president, nobody would have died of Covid . I agree with him that he shouldn't be president. I think his assertion about "no deaths" was strong evidence either senility, or putting politics FAR over country ... probably both. Oh, he is the "adult unifier",  saying it was a "Time to HEEL" for those not woke to the superiority of the left. 

Conspiracy theories are as old as humanity -- we all want to have "secret knowledge of what is REALLY going on". If you have the Holy Spirit within you, you know Ephesians 6:12 "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places."

If we are in Satan's kingdom, we have lost the battle, and Satan is pulling our strings. Since he is the father of lies, he may make us seem hyper reasonable in the modern sense -- "progressive", atheist, materialist, hedonistic, etc

As I read the article I was struck by the similarities with Global Warming, Russian Interference, the Ukraine telephone call, Hunter. Biden, The Great Reset, the world being "out of oil" in the 1970's, Teddy Kennedy and Chappaquiddick, and a host of other things that are part of "the standard narrative" that nobody would call a "conspiracy" because they are often completely out in the open, yet mostly or totally false. If something is part of "The Narrative", can it be a "conspiracy"? 

Certainly not to the folks that believe and drive the narrative.

Like "The Davinci Code", nearly everyone loves a good conspiracy. 

The article is interesting even though totally biased -- "know your enemies". 

Monday, January 17, 2022

The Secular City

The book was originally published in 1965, and it's predictions have somewhat proven unsound ... even more unsound lately as people flee the city (hopefully they remember they are refugees and not missionaries).

As I've pointed out too many times and the reviewer does as well:

Secularism, on the other hand, is the name for an ideology, a new closed worldview which functions very much like a new religion. (p21)

 To come closer to understanding why this is so critical, "Moral Believing Animals" ought to be required reading. "Everyone has to believe in something, I believe I'll have another beer" may be funny, and is also true ... unless you are an alcoholic, the "another beer" belief is pretty harmless. If you believe that National Socialism is a good idea however, the the belief may be less harmless. 

On page 168, the thing I was wondering about as I moved through the book was confirmed: 

",,,TWO was formed with the assistance of Saul Alinsky", author of "Rules for Radicals" from which I'll give you this quote ...

"One can see children yelling at their parents, "Mommy I've got to go", and desperate mothers surrendering, "All right then, Do it right here". O'Hare would soon become a shambles."

This  wonderful state of affairs would be the result of a "shit in" which Alinsky proudly proclaims as a legitimate idea in the pursuit of "social justice". Alinsky is also "quietly famous" as a major founder of "Community Organizing" and a mentor to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. 

Cox considers the move to the Secular City as inevitable.

Cox outlines three stages in human development, the age of the tribe, the age of the town and the age of the technopolis. We live in the age of the secular city.

In our day the secular metropolis stands as both the pattern of our life together and the symbol of our view of the world. (p1)

The book is quite eschatological (assuming a direction to history toward some "end time")  as are  Christianity and Marxism. Primarily Cox wants to convince us that God wants us to "progress" to a "social gospel" that is very much inline with the "progressive" idea of the utopia proffered in Lennon's "Imagine".

As Lennon, (and Lenin believed), man is good -- to the extent there is "original sin", it is culture, religion, family, and morals that mess up the goodness. Get rid of all that "junk" and return to a state approximating "the noble savage" (albeit with internet and cell phones developed without the evil of corporations and technologists), and we have perpetual nirvana! Heaven on earth! We would all be ultimately "Woke". 

Cox sees the church as the logical avant garde (leading edge) of this inevitable "progress" toward this bright and beautiful future. 

On page 43 he states:

"The thesis of the Secular City is that God is just as present in the secular as in the religious realms of life, and we unduly cramp the divine presence by confining it to some specially delineated spiritual or ecclesiastical realm". 

It is true that God is "present" because he is "omnipresent", however the Holy Spirit is only present in the lives of baptized practicing believers. It is the Holy Spirit that guides Christians that are living in the Kingdom (city) of God as Augustine explained. 

You are going to serve somebody -- it may be the devil or it may be the Lord. Allow the Lord to make that decision for you.

Covid, The Rich Get Richer

As the headline says, the wealth of the ten richest men on the globe doubled in the pandemic .... well, if you use a more reasonable estimate, maybe only 70%.

This is an old story... I wrote on this back in 2017 when the 8 richest had more wealth than the lower 50% of people on the planet and met in Davos every year. to discuss??? 

The cover story has always been that they meet there to discuss climate change, healthcare for all, and better wealth distribution. 

From the headline, one can see that either: 

  1. If measured by results, wealth doesn't equal smarts. Things have gone the opposite direction of what these titans of wealth claim to be their objective. 
  2. Davos and such things are just cover stories for the elite meeting on ways to amass even more wealth, 
You choose.

Even within the article, it is easy to see the true objectives of organizations like Oxfam: 

That should include more progressive tax regimes, which impose higher levies on capital and wealth, with the revenue spent on "quality universal healthcare and social protection for all" Mr Sriskandarajah said.

Oxfam is also calling for the intellectual property rights on Covid-19 vaccines to be waived to enable wider production and faster distribution.

Earlier this month the president of the World Bank, David Malpass, voiced his concerns over widening global inequality, arguing the impact of inflation and measures to tackle it were likely to cause more damage to poorer countries.

The elite have been pushing for "more progressive" tax regimes and "universal health" forever. 

In the last 30 years we have cut global poverty in half primarily through increased global trade and technical innovation. More of the wealth has been "distributed" (created) by those who DO THINGS ... like invent, increase efficiency, and allocate resources to the most productive uses.

"Universal health care" primarily benefits administrators .... which means more paperwork, less care,  and more wealth for insurance companies, lawyers, and government. 

Why can't you go see some local practitioner like you can a dentist or optometrist. 

Primary medicare and medicaid, along with the constant pressure of insurance companies to raise costs so their "cut" off the top is greater ... 6% of $1K is bigger than 6& of $500. Naturally it is nice of them to send you glossy brochures (that you are paying for) telling how they are fighting to reduce costs (and thus their profits). 

The main effect of "climate science" is to increase the cost of energy, thus hurting the lower income people, and moving more money to guys like Elon Musk who sells expensive cars with batteries that are more destructive to the environment than coal mining, and will wear out in "5 years" or so. 

Friday, January 14, 2022

Why Did They Label Lab Leak Theory A "Dangerous Conspiracy Theory"?

For all of 2020, the idea that Covid could be due to a "lab leak" was "fringe disinformation". As this NY Times article reports: 

The common reaction in elite liberal circles? A Washington Post reporter called it a “fringe theory” that “has been repeatedly disputed by experts.” The Atlantic Council accused Cotton of abetting an “infodemic” by “pushing debunked claim that the novel coronavirus may have been created in a Wuhan lab.” A writer for Vox said it was a “dangerous conspiracy theory” being advanced by conservatives “known to regularly spew nonsense (and bash China).

But why would our "trusted elites" do such a thing? As the Ridley article points out:

The emails unveiled this week reveal no good scientific reason at all for why these leading virologists changed their minds and became deniers rather than believers in even the remote possibility of a lab leak, all in just a few days in February 2020. No new data, no new arguments. But they do very clearly reveal a blatant political reason for the volte-face. Speculating about a lab leak, said Ron Fouchier, a Dutch researcher, might ‘do unnecessary harm to science in general and science in China in particular’. Francis Collins was pithier, worrying about ‘doing great potential harm to science and international harmony’. Contradicting Donald Trump, protecting science’s reputation at all costs and keeping in with those who dole out large grants are pretty strong incentives to change one’s mind.

Naturally it would be certifiable crazy to consider the possibility that the "lab leak" was not an accident, right? 

I know if my IBM taskmasters had me working on a project to enhance computer viruses to make them harder to detect, easier to spread, etc, I would NEVER suspect that they had any ulterior motives. Like maybe they had agreements with a few big anti-virus companies to release anti-virus software that was absolutely required to remove this enhanced virus? Certainly we trust big business,  big pharma, big government to never do such a thing. Right? 

Did we miss National Socialist Germany? The USSR? 9-11? Millions of babies murdered in their mother's womb?  Is it unimaginable in such a world to trade off the deaths of a few million elderly people soon to die anyway for a vast increase in government control and massive profits for the Davos elite? 

We live in an amoral world. Catholic priests abuse boys. Powerful men fly on the "lolita express".  Presidents stain the carpet of the Oval Office with their semen with impunity. What part of "no rules" (for those who control and support "the narrative") is it that you have not taken to heart? 

As Nietzsche said "without God, all is permissible".