Monday, June 7, 2021

Fauxi E-Mails

One never gets a clear answer out of a bureaucracy -- obfuscation is a prime function of bureaucracy, right after increasing their power in priority. 

The following from the link: 

 ... conservatives have found confirmation of their suspicions of the life-long bureaucrat, who went to work for the NIH during the Nixon administration and has been rising through the bureaucracy, as opposed to treating patients, ever since.
The liberals view him as a saint, but of course bureaucracy is one of most important tools in their agenda of ever increasing centralized government control. The following from Wikipedia: 
After completing his medical residency in 1968, Fauci joined the National Institutes of Health (NIH) as a clinical associate in the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases's (NIAID) Laboratory of Clinical Investigation (LCI).[14] He became head of the LCI's Clinical Physiology Section in 1974, and in 1980 was appointed chief of the NIAID's Laboratory of Immunoregulation. In 1984, he became director of the NIAID, a position he still holds.[6] Fauci has been offered the position of director of the NIH several times, but has declined each time.[15]
You decide if he looks like a career bureaucrat, up to and including avoiding the big chair, where he is more likely to be held accountable. CYA is a bureaucratic mandate. 

A little further evidence that COVID19 was created in a lab ... this time, a technical one. 

Now the damning fact. It was this exact sequence that appears in CoV-2. Proponents of zoonotic origin must explain why the novel coronavirus, when it mutated or recombined, happened to pick its least favorite combination, the double CGG. Why did it replicate the choice the lab’s gain-of-function researchers would have made?

Yes, it could have happened randomly, through mutations. But do you believe that? At the minimum, this fact—that the coronavirus, with all its random possibilities, took the rare and unnatural combination used by human researchers—implies that the leading theory for the origin of the coronavirus must be laboratory escape.

I'm sure that scientists can be found which will dispute everything about this ... super, science like any other human endeavor is prone to bias. 

What skeptical people need to keep in mind as we dive deeper into the modern era of Lysenkoism "truth" is whatever the state says it is. 

Thursday, May 27, 2021

The Distraction Curtain

Our age is one of distraction, denial, diversion, drift, deflection, and a host of other such terms of avoiding being here now, in the present. 

"Pay no attention to that man(reality) behind the curtain"  is the defining  metaphor for our time. 

Let's ignore trillions of dollars in debt, unfunded liabilities, and deficits TODAY, and rather focus on climate, "Critical" Race Theory, etc 

What is necessary to understand in the present is that our current cultural convulsion — the constant, distracting storm of outrage and panic and hatred and denunciation that plays out over social media and in real life every day — is being used as moral camouflage for failing institutions, from city governments to federal agencies and from the college campus to the commanding heights of media and technology. The burghers of the Bay Area won’t be around to comment on the weather in 100 years, and they’d much rather not talk about what’s happening down at the corner drugstore right now.

It is important for governments to look to the future and to understand history — planting trees under the shade of which we never will sit and all that. But governments at all levels also have a responsibility to the here and now, to the clear and present, to the local and the ordinary — a responsibility to see what is in front of their noses and, when necessary, try to do something useful in response to it.

CCP Virus Breakthroughs, Stop Counting

Epoch Column

I'm happy that the CDC and media are treating virus breakthroughs of fully vaccinated people as "not a concern", because that is how reasonable people operate. If only they would have treated the tiny number of serious  cases in children and even healthy adults under "50" in the same reasonable manner. 

What does concern me a bit more is: 

Of the cases, more than six in 10 occurred in females, with the median patient age being 58, according to a new report from the CDC, which stopped counting breakthrough infections as of May 1, except for those that cause hospitalization or death.

 Is there a pattern here?  The Obama administration stopped counting H1N1 cases in 2009 because "they already knew it was an epidemic". I've often said that if you don't like what someone tweets,  quit following them -- my general attitude to lots of supposed "sources" these days. 

However, when it is your job to count, ceasing to count when you don't like what you see tends to make your "counting" more political than scientific. It makes the sham of trusting the bureaucracy a bit too clear -- the actual mission of any bureaucracy is to increase its power,  not to actually do some supposed "critical mission".

As I've often observed, the real meaning of "believe the science" is "believe the narrative". 

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

America, Taiwan, What Is "A Country"?

Taiwan has the advantage of being a specific territory, but through use of power, China increasingly says it is not a country. So does John Cena. 

Iraq once declared Kuwait was not a country. HW Bush, ("wouldn't be prudent"), usually considered a total whimp, actually stood up and threw the Iraqi bums out. Kuwait remained a country. 

The old United States was a country based on ideas rather than territory. "We hold these truths to be self evident", a written Constitution that was actually followed, and a population that revered the founding, the founders and the founding principles/ideas. I maintain that since Critical Race Theory and "Wokeness" are now the supposedly "elected" foundation of the territory once known as "America", whatever it is, it is no longer a country. 

Part of being a country is being able to defend your borders, and/or having enough allies to join with you to keep your status as a country. 

Suppose the Cadaver In Chief of Wokeistan is likely to stand with Taiwan? 

Not too likely is it? 


The Wuhan "Lab Leak"

As the Cotton piece makes clear, the case this came from the Wuhan lab was a strong one since early last year.

What is also a strong case is that Fauci was involved in funding that lab for viral “gain of function” studies.

Knowing your enemy is good, creating your enemy is even better!

There are many important “coincidences” in the Wuhan Virus story — it is reminiscent of the Russian, Ukraine, Biden “election”, and January 6th hoaxes is a lot of ways. We are beset by “coincidences”, and they are all focused in one political direction! (remove Trump at any cost) It reminds me of a series of murders where all the victims just happen to be named “Sarah Connor”.

Naturally a tornado COULD blow through a junkyard and assemble a perfectly functioning 747. I’d just prefer to not be forced to be a passenger on it’s first flight.

I believe the lab “leak” was a “leak” in the same way that political leaks are. In this case the leak happened to be a virus vs information, but given things like mRNA (which is information), why not? “Leaks” happen.

When the Davos Elite knows what is best for the “proletariat, masses, deplorables, etc”, isn’t it their duty to make it happen for the good of “all”?

I happen to be reading “Crime And Punishment” (finally). How can one really weigh the morality of accelerating the deaths of a small percentage of elderly against the horror of Trump, and the potential that the racist deplorables might slow the inevitable “arc of history” toward utopia?

“What do you think, would not one tiny crime be wiped out by thousands of good deeds?”

The meaning of “tiny” is even tougher than the meaning of “is”.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

The AP, Dead Gorilla In Coal Mine

A common old time expression was "the canary in the coal mine". Allegedly, miners kept a canary with them, and if it dropped dead, they got out. Supposedly canaries were more sensitive to lethal gases than humans, so they were an early warning system. 

The AP has been dead for a long time, but in this age of continuing to kick Trump and his supporters after he is long gone, a little "corpse abuse" is in order.

The latest example of AP’s troubled role involves its offices in the Gaza Strip, a territory controlled by Hamas. For some 15 years, the AP has operated out of an 11-story building in Gaza City, the al-Jalaa Tower, where al Jazeera also has offices. According to Israeli military intelligence, journalists weren’t the only ones in that tower. Hamas terrorists also had offices there and were using them to plan terror attacks on Jewish civilians. So, in the midst of Israel’s wider military campaign against Hamas assets, the Israeli Defense Forces told everyone to evacuate the building, which was then destroyed by aerial bombardment. No one was injured.
Remember how Trump was going to be disaster, especially in foreign policy? Is't it special that we now have the worst Palestinian situation since 2014? Gee, who was president then?

The column is worth a read, as Lipson usually is.

Nord Stream Yes, Keystone No 

The linked talks about how Biden has decided to quit blocking the Russian to Germany Nord Stream 2. I suppose in an effort to avoid "whataboutism". It ignores the fact that Biden cancelled Keystone on day 1, and also stopped fracking on government lands.

Support our rivals, kick America to the curb. After all, America, now Wokeistan is "institutionally racist" don't ya know. 

C'mon man

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Consumer Confidence "Unexpectedly" Declines 

When a Democrat is in power, negatives that can't be hidden are always "unexpected". 

When a Republican is in power, positives that can't be hidden are always "unexpected". 

Very simple and easy to understand. 

Rigged, A Preview 

I have a strong suspicion that reading this book is pretty much an exercise in closing the barn door after the cows are out Voter fraud and Democrats have been joined at the hip from Jim Crow, through Boss Tweed, the Daley machine, and all elections at every level forever. 2020 was just more obvious.  

Anyone against voter ID supports voter fraud. There are few things more obvious than that, yet the government media complex denies it. Criminals support gun control and defunding the police. How can anyone not understand the obvious? Only because they DO understand it, they just find following the law to be inconvenient for them. 

The preview is good, as is everything I've read by Mollie Hemingway. 

Good, but sad. I will be reading the book. 

And Just Like That, Covid Is Over 

One of my very early questions on Covid lockdowns/masks, etc was "What is the end game on this?"

Silly me. In the age of credulity for media, bureaucracy and big business, it is "whenever they say so". As we have seen with Russiagate, two farcical "impeachments" and the election by the dead, thou shalt believe and parrot the narrative of the day. 

The Covid narrative has had more twists and turns than a cheap garden hose, and I'm fairly certain there will be more. The narrative was just too good for the power hungry, big box store companies, inflation beneficiaries, etc to not go on ... likely in a more "lethal" mode. Perhaps the next time it will kill more babies than a month of abortions. 

Just like that? Nothing about this pandemic, or the science behind it, or the vaccines that have stopped it, tells us that something changed suddenly and magically for vaccinated people yesterday. But today we can finally lose our masks, as President Biden’s CDC finally announced a full loosening of mask restrictions other than crowded indoor spaces and public transportation. Joe Biden wants you to believe that this day arrived by the good graces of science and his administration’s tireless work, but that would be incorrect. The public has been getting vaccinated since early January and we are now five months into 2021. It’s the same vaccine, yet we are supposed to buy the idea that today, May 13, 2021, will go down in history as the day the pandemic suddenly ended.

It's gotta be true! Even MN governor "tear down this Walz" lifted his mask mandate -- although he did retain his "emergency powers".  

The idea that if you had it, or were fully vaccinated, you STILL needed to wear a mask was even more unbelievable than the idea that a mask protected anyone. Either the vaccinations work or they don't.  If they do, the odds of you getting it and thus being a spreader are very low. If they don't work, why bother? 

Since the masks were "80% +" about virtue signalling, there are going to be a lot of people unwilling to give up their "virtue".