Friday, April 9, 2021

Officially Renaming "America"

The linked article opens with a nice summary of what needs to be completed to complete the transition to Wokeistan.

Twenty-First-century progressive liberalism sees the American nation as a problem. There are three core points of contention: 1) the concept of nation-state sovereignty; 2) the actual American nation itself—its culture, history, and people; and finally, 3) the prospects for constitutional republican self-government in America.

While "I told you so" can give twinge of sinful pride to humans, the profound sadness of loss of the loved is existentially painful. It is something like the loved teen you have admonished to quit their reckless driving actually being killed in a car accident. There is really no excuse for this happening, but of course but the excuses are many; loss of religion as an ultimate foundation, failure to take the time to pass the legacy of the miracle of what was America on from generation to generation, distraction by wealth, entertainment, government handouts providing false "security", loss of community, ...

The path to destruction is well paved, well travelled, and distressingly easy. 

Fifty-eight percent of “very liberal” respondents, and 44% of plain liberals, supported removing the “four white male presidents at Mount Rushmore, as they presided over the conquest of Native people and the repression of women and minorities.” Significantly, 41% of very liberals and 33% of plain liberals would “move, after an open public process, to a new name for our country that better reflects…our diversity as a people.”

"The Fascist State of Wokeistan" seems sadly appropriate for the new name. 

The linked article is a nice short summary. The list of books showing the steps we have trod to this tragedy is long. Had we maintained an educational system that schooled our young in being grateful for the miracle they had been bequeathed, we would not have reached this tragic end. 

"Why Liberalism Failed" is high on my list. "The Suicide of the West" by Jonah Goldberg is excellent, although Jonah sadly intellectually succumbed to TDR (Trump Derangement Syndrome). May he rest in obscurity. "The Stakes" is an excellent description of how we could have maintained America in a coma for at least one more election cycle, but let voter fraud pull the plug. 

Some declines to death are more painful than others. America didn't deserve to die, but the good often die young. 

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