Thursday, January 13, 2022

Doctor Robert Malone, Covid

The link is to a 3 hour podcast that is worth watching, and may be removed soon to protect us all from "misinformation".

If you want to see the "debunk" -- that basically attacks Malone rather than a lot of his assertions, questions, concerns, etc., here it is.

What I liked most about Malone is that he avoids saying "this is how it is" ... he says more than once that he may be wrong, he says a lot along the lines of "this seems to be what historical experience with AIDs and its various vaccines, as well as our current limited experience with Covid and the vaccines MAY be showing, He points out that a lot of people in the Covid narrative have vested interests -- there is a lot of money to be made by forcing everyone to take a number of "jabs". 

Much like Obamacare, people are forced to "buy/obtain" a product -- and on top of all the mandates there is a ton of free advertising. I find the general Covid message to be "Give fear a chance".  For some segments of the economy (big pharma, big retail (Amazon. WalMart, etc), financial entities that feed off the printing of money, etc) Covid has been a giant moneymaker. 

It has certainly made a generally faceless bureaucrat (Fauci) into a household name -- people have done a lot just to be famous. This would not be the first time. 

What is true? Who do you trust? 

The proper answer is always no one. Humans are inherently flawed, often dishonest, even with themselves -- my position is that the more somebody stands up and says "I'm the expert, trust me!" ... the less I do, especially if their story changes regularly. 

Think about eggs/cholesterol -- they were BAD, and the "Food Pyramid" put carbs as the base -- the good.  It was "expert truth" for 40 years, then it was wrong. 

For "some strange reason", there seems to be an awful lot of sickness going around this year -- the vast majority of it not Covid -- RSV, Flu, pneumonia, and even a concerning set of "weird things. Menstrual cycles becoming irregular or ceasing, a range of heart issues, fatigue, intermittent fevers ... strange stuff. Even some odd and rarely seen cancers. 

Remember, AIDs stands for "Acquired Immune Deficiency".  It killed your immune system and you died of a bunch of weird stuff. Think Kaposi's Sarcoma.

If a significant number of the jabbed start to get sick with a bunch of stuff, do you suppose there will be any resistance from the oligarchy to admit that the jab is causal? 

I've not been 100% since the jab in mid October. RSV ... formerly a disease of babies and elderly. Those with immune system problems. A persistent very bad cough and mucus ... multiple treatments, maybe successful this time ... seems pretty much like somehow I'm allergic, maybe asthmatic, though I never have been before. Seems to be a good number of sick folks filling up hospitals from non-Covid causes. 



With Covid, But Not Because of Covid 

The linked gives some hope that the big media, big government, big Democrat, big pharma oligarchy is starting to move to a more reality based narrative. 

From the very start, the vast majority of hospitalizations and deaths were WITH Covid rather than BECAUSE of Covid. The narrative acknowledged that the "vast majority" of those hospitalized with, or dying with Covid did not reach that state because of Covid. They were old and in poor health due to multiple underlying conditions. The narrative required that whenever a younger person that was "apparently" in "perfect health" died with Covid, the word had to get out to maximum effect . 

Given millions of cases there almost had to be some that died OF Covid -- I personally know of a healthy 50ish guy that died of anesthesia. Although most of us hardly think of it when we are put under, it does happen.

I personally don't know anyone that died even WITH Covid, although I accept that there are many. I also don't personally know anyone that was murdered -- though I know there are a lot. I DO unfortunately personally know of 10ish and probably more if I think of it that died in car accidents. 

Even Biden has now declared that there is nothing the federal government can do to stop Covid ... "It's a virus, and we will have to live (and die) WITH it -- though likely not BECAUSE of it very often. "News at 11", those with some level of independent thought knew this from the start. 

It would be great if everyone knew "... during a 2020 campaign debate, Biden proclaimed: “Anyone who is responsible for that many deaths should not remain as President of the United States of America.” At the time Biden proposed this disqualifier from holding the presidency, the U.S. had recorded 220,000 covid deaths, according to the Journal. Since inauguration day, it has recorded 350,000. And counting."

The narrative at that time required that anyone that died WITH Covid died BECAUSE of Covid ... because as Biden said, the critical thing was that Trump lost the election. The vaccine was made available on December 11 2020 .... there are some memos that indicate it would have been "disruptive" to release it as early as mid September 2020. Well. yes, it may have been "disruptive" to Biden being installed as cadaver in chief.  Who cares about the loss of a few tens of thousands of old people if we can get rid of Trump? The "greater good" and all that.

We will never have any clue how many people were hospitalized and died because of Covid, because the narrative and the control of the oligarchy is what counts. A nation that has murdered over 60 million babies in the mother's womb makes National Socialist Germany appear to be a highly moral nation by comparison. 

What are the long term effects of the vaccine? Nobody has a clue. Approving this sort of new technology vaccine typically takes something like a decade. Do you want to trust the oligarchy to report massive negative effects of the vaccination if they are to occur? One thing is certain, if people do have negative effects from the vaccine, the companies creating it are immune from being sued

You may not get any immunity from being jabbed and boosted, and you may even have long term side effects. however the vaccine companies have TOTAL immunity! Isn't that cozy?

The article claims that "Omicron is different"! Well, maybe ... the coding of the reasons for admission are different, but the incentives are different as well. In 2020, MN docs got a 6 page memo on "how to report cause of death". One might have thought that docs had been reporting cause of death before 2020? Well, for anyone that has ever worked in a bureaucracy, the memo. written in obscure bureaucratese pretty much said "if there is ANY way you can call it Covid, CALL IT COVID!". 

Lots of Covid death in 2020 was good! Trump! 

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

January. 6, 2021, A Day That Will Die In Obscurity

I've pointed out the insanity of calling Jan 6, 2021 anything beyond a "Mostly Peaceful Demonstration" -- the only person killed was an unarmed white female veteran, nothing was burned, and nobody got a free TV. A moments comparison of the reaction to Jan 6 and the BLM riots of the summer is instructive.

The immediate recognition of Trump being elected was shown when women  marched on Washington in the 100's of thousands wearing "Pussy Hats", an obvious symbol of their sincerity and good sense.

Such intellectual giants and students of history as Kamala Harris found January 6 2021 to be comparable to Pearl Harbor and 9/11.

Many people ask "why are we so divided?" 

A very easy answer is because current leadership and meda (but I repeat myself) tend to maximize the severity of events that they believe will benefit their cause, while ignoring or completely suppressing items that would tend to give a sense of balance to thinking about events, and maybe even result in there being some level of equity in how those expressing their views on policy, elections, and actions by authorities are treated. 

Currently, something like 70 people involved in the January 6 demonstrations are incarcerated without being charged, and not being allowed bail. 

Meanwhile, the Biden administration pushes for no bail being required at all to release defendants with long criminal records.

If say "20%" as much attention was paid to citizens being incarcerated for long periods with no charges, no legal representation, concern about "threats to democracy" may at least be seen as a problem for "both sides" to be concerned about.

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Biden Unifies With "Lets Go Brandon"!

A good one from AwakenWithJP.

A caller to the NORAD Santa Tracker ended with "Let's go Brandon" and Biden agreed. 

There are two choices here:

  1. Biden actually is aware of reality, has a sense of humor, and showed it by being agreeable to the callers closing. 
  2. Biden has no sense of reality, and is just mindlessly playing along with whatever his handlers tell him to do .... and if something unexpected shows up, he does the only thing he can do ... mindlessly follow along. 
It would be nice to kinda believe #1, and hope that if #2 is reality,  he doesn't prove Obama right again
Yet searing, anonymously sourced quotes from Obama kept appearing through the race. One Democrat who spoke to Obama recalled the former president warning, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.” Speaking of his own waning understanding of today’s Democratic electorate, especially in Iowa, Obama told one 2020 candidate: “And you know who really doesn’t have it? Joe Biden.”

Unfortunately, there were no cameras rolling when Obama made the "don't underestimate" statement  ... however it does have the ring of truth and Politico published it. It certainly looks like Obama was right about Joe, as were many American voters -- though to be fair, one can't really blame the dead or manufactured "voters". 

Trusted Propaganda Initiative

With the introduction of several possible new Covid-19 vaccines, there has been a rise of ‘anti-vaccine’ disinformation spreading online to millions of people.

Examples include widely shared memes which link falsehoods about vaccines to freedom and individual liberties. Other posts seek to downplay the risks of coronavirus and suggest there is an ulterior motive behind the development of a vaccine.
I wonder if pursuit of power, profit and submission of the masses  are "ulterior motives? 

I guess not, since it is obvious that these are major motivations --  as they always are, however even more so in a "crisis". 

Rahm Emanuel, "Never let a serious crisis go to waste".

Inflation Can't Go On Forever

Here is a little article showing some of the famous economists that have stated versions of the title of this blog. 

A cursory look at recent history is that we are somewhat on a repeat of the Sorry Seventies unfortunately including a hapless president rivaling and maybe even exceeding Jimmy Carter in his incompetence. 

I grew up with my dad constantly assuming that we would have a return to the 1930's when he grew up. He always was looking for the next depression, and to him, it never happened because the periods of decline were much less severe than the 1930's. I like to say that history doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme.

From 1966 to 1982, the stock market was flat.

In January of 1966 the Dow Jones Industrial Average hit a level of 990. It would continue trading in a range of roughly 600 to 1,000 over the following 17 years. It once again reached 990 in December of 1982 before finally breaking out and heading higher.
That certainly isn't a "depression", but were something like that (or worse) to repeat, it would change a lot of Boomers lifestyles. 

Between 2008 and 2014, the Federal Reserve printed more than $3.5 trillion in new bills. To put that in perspective, it’s roughly triple the amount of money that the Fed created in its first 95 years of existence. Three centuries’ worth of growth in the money supply was crammed into a few short years. The money poured through the veins of the financial system and stoked demand for assets like stocks, corporate debt and commercial real estate bonds, driving up prices across markets. Hoenig was the one Fed leader who voted consistently against this course of action, starting in 2010. In doing so, he pitted himself against the Fed’s powerful chair at the time, Ben Bernanke, who was widely regarded as a hero for the ambitious rescue plans he designed and oversaw.
Extraordinary events tend to have extraordinary results ... often results that are at least unexpected in some quarters. 

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Is Election Integrity Undemocratic?

According to basically 100% of of European countries -- if you read the whole article, election integrity is critical to democracy.

When it comes to absentee voting, we Americans, accustomed as we are to very loose rules, are often shocked to learn that 35 of the 47 European countries—including France, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden—don’t allow absentee voting for citizens living in country. Another ten European countries—including England, Ireland, Denmark, Portugal, and Spain—allow absentee voting, but require voters to show up in person and present a photo ID to pick up their ballots. It isn’t like in the U.S., where a person can say he’s going to be out of town and have a ballot mailed to him.

Mexico believes you ought to know your vote actually counts. 

...Mexico recently instituted strict reforms. Voters must present a biometric ID—an ID with not only a photo, but also a thumb print. Voters also have indelible ink applied to their thumbs, preventing them from voting more than once. And absentee voting is prohibited, even for people living outside the country.

Wow, with such harsh "voter suppression" measures, the number of people voting must have really dropped in those repressive countries.

Those who oppose election integrity reform here in the U.S. often condemn it as a means of “voter suppression.” But in Mexico, the percent of people voting rose from 59 percent before the reforms to 68 percent after. It turned out that Mexicans were more, not less, likely to vote when they had confidence that their votes mattered.

Democrats, the media, and the State Bureaucracy oppose any voted integrity measures in the strongest terms.

Here, for instance, is President Biden speaking recently in Philadelphia, condemning the idea of voter IDs: “There is an unfolding assault taking place in America today—an attempt to suppress and subvert the right to vote in fair and free elections, an assault on democracy, an assault on liberty, an assault on who we are—who we are as Americans. For, make no mistake, bullies and merchants of fear and peddlers of lies are threatening the very foundation of our country.” Sadly but predictably, he went on to suggest that requiring voter IDs would mean returning people to slavery.

The horror of it! Nearly all the people in Europe are living in SLAVERY! Just ask Joe (on one of the few days he is coherent). 

What kind of "bullies, merchants of fear and peddlers of lies"  have suggested that mail in voting encourages (and has been demonstrated to) enable massive voter fraud? Well Jimmy Carter for one -- and though he is definitely a "peddler of lies", I really can't imagine anyone calling Jimmuh a "bully". 

Sixteen years ago, in 2005, the Carter-Baker Commission on Federal Election Reform issued a report that proposed a uniform system of requiring a photo ID in order to vote in U.S. elections. The report also pointed out that widespread absentee voting makes vote fraud more likely. Voter files contain ineligible, duplicate, fictional, and deceased voters, a fact easily exploited using absentee ballots to commit fraud. Citizens who vote absentee are more susceptible to pressure and intimidation. And vote-buying schemes are far easier when citizens vote by mail.

Would you like it if your bank would allow cash withdrawls from your account without photo ID? How many times are you required to show a photo ID? Flying, increasingly buying liquor, shipping a package via UPS, checking into a hotel ... the list just keeps getting longer. 

So we know that insuring voter integrity doesn't reduce voting -- it tends to INCREASE it because people know their vote counts.

Other than a history of voter fraud and a strong desire to continue and increase it,  it seems impossible defend measures like HR1. Therefore, the media mostly ignores what is actually in it, and merely repeats the obvious propaganda that it is racist, voter suppression and somehow a "return to slavery".  

The linked short article is worth the read.


Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Expodentially Misunderestimated

Joe Biden likes to say "expodentially" -- who knew?  Democrats looking human (stupid if Republicans do so) is something ignored by the Democrat media for obvious reasons - it would be simply WRONG to make lite of our glorious leader.

OTOH, everyone knew about "Bushisms" ... in fact, there was a calendar of them. 

There was once a comedian named Norm Crosby that made a good living through malapropisms back when the nation had a sense of humor. I'm quite certain that this clip would be enough to get him Cancelled today. 

Losing a sense of humor is a strong sign of "progress" toward totalitarianism. As "progress" proceeds, poking fun at potentates can become criminal. 

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

The Order of Time, Carlo Rovelli

The link as per usual is to a more detailed professional review. 

Most people are aware of Einstein's theory of relativity -- time is relative to your frame of reference.

An aside -- isn't it interesting that everyone seems to accept that Einstein's theory is a THEORY, even though is has been tested in a number of ways -- one being that using very accurate clocks, one "stationary" relative to the plane, and a very fast plane, it can be shown that "time" travels more slowly as "objects|" move faster. 

The scare quotes are because what we "see" is not necessarily "reality". Everything we see is relative to our perspective and speed. From the perspective of the house builder, "the flat earth" is true enough, while we know that from the perspective of an astronaut on the moon, the earth is a sphere. Which is "correct"? It is a matter of perspective. 

 "Science" is ALL theory from a given perspective. It is as correct as the next test, or change of perspective. It is a useful tool, something only to be "trusted" within boundaries of perspective.

I find that to be the useful takeaway from the Rovelli book.

... But in physics, once we start to look at what exactly the difference is between past and future, it’s extraordinarily slippery. In the past, the universe seemed to be in a very peculiar state. Physicists use the expression ‘low entropy’. So because there was this low entropy in the past of the universe, that’s the only source of difference between the past and the future. But low entropy is itself a slippery thing because it implies a state of order!

If the difference between the past and the future is just a natural disordering of things, the question becomes: why were things ordered in the past? Who ordered them? And this is still a mystery.

It reminds me of the quote from Spinal Tap member Nigel Tufnel that is inscribed on the wall at the Stonehenge visitors center which made me laugh out loud: "no one knows who they were or what they were doing ..."

There "seems to be a natural ordering of things" ... nobody knows why, or how. Religion is often derided as "the God of the gaps" ... but so is "science", a proffered replacement for religion. The set of things we don't "know" is much larger than the set if things we at least believe we do. 

Largely, Coke (religion) has been replaced with Pepsi (science), and the marketers have largely made science  "the choice if a new generation". 

All The Tea In China

The linked review covers the basics. 

My biggest insight acquired from the book was how the English enjoyment of tea in which the water is boiled, killing microorganisms, and being a mild stimulant, may have been a significant  factor in England being more innovative and economically successful than nations whose favorite drink for enjoyment and killing the nasty little beasties was wine or beer, which are mild depressants.

One may be a bit more alert after a cup of tea vs a beer! 

I find term "stole" to be a bit moralistic. "Industrial espionage", or mere natural "oh, I see this thing, I wonder how they do that" with various levels if copying, espionage, etc are as old as the first spears, knives, bows, etc. 

Attempted copies at various levels are a constant in technology ... consider this shot of the US Space Shuttle vs the Russian Buran. Notice any similarity? 

While the Chinese may have come out on the short end on tea, they are decidedly the experts in technology acquisition (industrial espionage) today!

Was the theft of the secrets of tea "the greatest theft of intellectual property in history" ?  Perhaps, but Ih would think that the theft of the secrets to create an H-bomb by the USSR, or the technical transfer of rocketry knowledge through the immigration / immigration by Germans like Wernher Von Braun allowed the US to reach 

The book has at least for a bit made me revisit tea -- realizing (correctly) that it was black tea that I would prefer. Let the testing begin