Showing posts with label fascism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fascism. Show all posts

Monday, November 9, 2020

A Time To Heel

As usual, Biden has his words mixed up -- he said "heal", but he meant "HEEL". 

As Reagan said, "A liberal will defend your right to agree with them to their dying breath". He was a really optimistic nice guy. Sadly, a "liberal" or better put, a "leftist" will defend that "right" to YOUR dying breath as well, as they have proven in the USSR, Nazi Germany, China, Cuba, etc ... they are always hard at work to "get it right" (get it left) by them having total control. 

"Liberalism/leftism" is about power. Many of their true believers think that it is about "progress" to a new "utopia" -- one of absolute "equality", economic "appropriate plenty" (fully green of course!), guaranteed "everything" -- healthcare, education, entertainment, happiness, etc. 

In short, "utopia"! How could anyone be so evil to be against utopia?

The conservatives - the "right", which like everything in this modern house of mirrors is really more "left" ... it is really more accurately "Control vs Chaos". The "right" wants more freedom, which if overdone is chaos. The left seeks absolute control -- over what you say, over any of your "rights", eventually even over what you think -- see "1984".   Since the "left" is atheistic, because they want total control. To live in their "utopia", government must be "god". Your social media activity will be "fact checked", and if the left finds it to not be following their "truth", it will be suppressed.

After four years of "resistance", "not my president", "deplorables", "illegitimate" SCOTUS appointments, and on and on, now is the time for heeling. How unexpected! 

In the tradition of Monty Python,  freedom is "Not Yet Dead Yet" ... although it is on life support and fading fast. 

We know there is massive vote fraud, and Georgia may still give a liberty saving vote in the Senate. If you can't have Constitutional government, divided government is the next best thing. 

To continue the Python theme, if one is crazy enough to look on the bright side, one could believe that the SCOTUS would force investigation and prosecution of the vote fraud in 2020, and demand a secure system so elections could be trusted. We have trusted banking and trusted credit card systems, it IS possible. Anyone that believes in freedom will strongly support and demand such a system, those against such a system are defending "their right to cheat" ... this is absolutely a "Rule of Law" issue and the SCOTUS needs to step up and fix it! 

So why is the "right" not out marching, wailing, and talking about leaving the country as the left did in 2016? Some of the key reasons are: 

  1. They have faith that God is in power, and at worst this life is but a breath compared to eternity
  2. Government is down their list of priorities ... God, family, vocation, community (and theirs are usually small and real rather than virtual and largely fake), meaningful pursuits like hunting, fishing, working with wood, improving their homes, study, etc 
  3. They know that although America is failing, it is still the best free choice available. They have nowhere to go. 
  4. They are generally hopeful self reliant people. They believe that "there are always alternatives", as in my case, they can "move to red" -- if you look at the map, there is a LOT of red. 
One must respect the honesty of AOC -- "Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future". I foresee a decent probability of many deleted Tweets, writings, photos in the future. "

For Christians, there are many verses that are a comfort to us even if we are hunted down and persecuted. 
Matt 5:11 "Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me."

Monday, October 26, 2020

Modern Fascism: Liquidating the Judeo-Christian Worldview

Always sad when I can't find a good review so I can be really lazy -- if you follow the link back to Goodreads, there may be some there now.

National Socialism (Naziism) gave Fascism bad name, as the intellectual elite certainly didn't want to besmirch "socialism" because they wanted LOTS more of it. It turns out that what they actually wanted was and is Fascism, but post Hitler, the marketing was a bit off. A good common man shorthand description of Fascism being "Crony Capitalism" the currently operant but disguised ideology of Western civilization. Big (and ever bigger and more intrusive) Deep State Bureaucratic governments, in league with ever more powerful and government cozy business like Amazon, Google, Facebook, Alibaba (Chinese Amazon, but bigger) ... and the list could go on. Fascism? We're there! 

This cabal of power is heavily controlled by the Davos Elite -- guys like Bezos, Gates, Buffett, etc, who collectively own the media (this post has been "fact checked" and may contain information not directly beneficial to Democrats and the Davos Elite, but I repeat myself). Such messages are almost enough to allow sentient people to realize we are not in "Kansas" or America anymore -- however if you do become enlightened, you may get "cancelled". 

A nice short definition of Fascism from the book: 

Fascism is a worldview. The elements of this worldview derive from romanticism, Darwinism, and existentialism. They are part of the mainstream of Western thought. As such, they were basic assumptions of the intellectual elite of the 1930s. They remain so today.

 So what are these Fascists working to accomplish? 

This new worldview defined itself against the existing spiritual framework—that of the Jews and their Bible. In rejecting not only the Bible but objective meaning, transcendent morality, and the authority of language itself, the fascists arrayed themselves against the Word.

So why do these Fascists hate Jews and Christians so much? 

According to fascist theorists, the Jewish influence—that is, the idea of a transcendent religion and a transcendent moral law—was responsible for the ills of Western culture. The target of the fascists was not only the Jews but the Judeo-Christian tradition.

The book gives a lot more worthy and convincing detail, however the simple truth is that Western civilization is well down the path to being Fascist already, with a lot of pressure to rapidly move deeper into centralized, bureaucratic, godless, religion suppressing, anti family culture. Readers of this blog being well aware of this for a long time. Sadly, very few in the modern world have any clue since education is mostly Fascist indoctrination, and understanding of history / reality is punished. (it isn't "woke", so it has to be "cancelled") 

I could quote forever, however I'll leave it at this: 

A set of ideas is emerging from today’s academic world that is startlingly reminiscent of what the fascist theorists were saying in the 1930s: individual identity is a myth, insofar as identity is really determined by culture and ethnicity; laws and social conventions are only masks for power; human-centered values are part of a corrupt Western civilization; the transcendent meaning of reason, objectivity, and language is an illusion.


Saturday, October 17, 2020

The Memory Hole, Orwell

Jonah has largely let his hatred of Trump corrupt his reason, but apparently there is still a spark of sentience his hatred corrupted mind. How he has fallen from when he once allegedly wrote the extremely cogent "Liberal Fascism"!  The darkness of hatred is indeed powerful.

A ray of hope beckons in this column. Apparently the erasing of history has awakened a weak ember of his once reasonable rather than hate filled thought! 

Yesterday morning, Amy Coney Barrett used the term in its colloquial sense. She said she had “never discriminated on the basis of sexual preference and would not ever discriminate on the basis of sexual preference.” As Noah Rothman ably lays out, this set off alarms among the cadres of progressive activists and thought police, seeking to paint it as a “dog whistle.” A writer at Slate insisted this cannot be “dismissed as a poor choice of words.” Barrett had let the mask slip, showing her desire to “condemn gay Americans to second-class citizenship once again.” This, despite the fact that the plain meaning of her statement was a full-throated rejection of said desire.

The calumny of being able to label things "Racist Dog Whistles" is a great example of current left wing power - it's a "dog whistle" if the left says it is! 

So, the left now displays it's power in real time! If history needs to be rewritten, they can get it done in the nearly "present" -- in the age of total digital, "reality" might be on a "2 min delay" to make certain nobody sees "the man behind the curtain"! 

By the end of the day, Webster’s online dictionary modified its definition of “sexual preference” to tell people it was suddenly offensive. Senators who would not have blinked at the term when they read it in the morning paper were, by the end of the day, deeply troubled by Barrett’s bigoted use of a term she employed to renounce precisely the bigotry they claimed was in her heart.